[ 005 ] - midnight swim

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season 1 episode 3

Natalia and Miguel were at home working out separately in their rooms. A few minutes later it was dinner and Miguel and Natalia sat at the table.

That's when their mom walked through the door and smilied at them.

"sorry i'm late again" Carmen said as she kissed Miguel and Natalia's foreheads.

"It's Ok. You're short-staffed." Miguel said as Natalia nodded.

"So have you both decided what you're going as for the Halloween dance?" Carmen asked her kids.

"I was thinking Deadpool, but the costumes a little pricey." Miguel said as his mom asked how much it is. "It doesn't have to be Deadpool."

"You want a Deadpool costume? We'll make you a Deadpool costume." Carmen said as their grandma laughed and said no.

"Pshh don't listen to her. Anyway Natty what are you being?" Carmen asked Natalia.

"Oh i'm not going. I don't have a costume." Natalia said.

"Awh why not?" Carmen asked as Natalia shrugged.

Miguel picked up his cup and that's when their mom saw the bruise marks on his knuckles.

"Miggy! What happened to your hand?" Their mom asked as Miguel couldn't make any words.


Natalia and Miguel were practicing at the dojo by themselves while Mr. Lawrence was in his office, he then walked out and asked, "Hey you guys don't happen to have any friends karate?"

Natalia and Miguel didn't answer as they weren't paying attention. Mr. Lawrence said, "What am i saying? You guys don't have any friends. Sorry."

That's when Miguel stopped punching and turned around and asked, "Sensei when are we gonna learn how to do some kicking? Me and Nat were watching videos of this guy breaking boards and it looked badass"

"No shit. Kicking is badass. But you guys aren't ready. Besides if i don't get more students in here, i won't be able to teach you both anything." Mr. Lawrence said.

"You've thought about advertising right?" Natalia asked.

"Yeah, Duh. Of course." Mr. Lawrence said.


The next day at school in the cafeteria the counselor was talking about cyber bullying.

"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names but the other day a mother called me because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Everyone knew it was Eli even thought the counselor didn't say any names.

Eli covered his mouth with his hand and Natalia felt bad. She thought his lip looked fine and she didn't even notice it the first time she met him.

Then the counselor kept talking and Miguel leaned over and said to Eli, "If your sick of getting bullied, the karate dojo me and Nat go to is looking for recruits."

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