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"This isn't a great way to start the semester." Chaewon said. It had been three weeks, and she had already visited the room across the hall no less than six times on noise complaints. There was something about her tone that confused Yunjin. It was almost playful, teasing, but the seriousness of her set jaw and lowered eyes said otherwise. She wondered if she was overthinking it. It seemed like she over-thought every single interaction they've had, which had been quite a few. Aside from the school sanctioned reprimands, on two days a week they left for class around the same time, ending up waiting for the elevator together. The conversation never progressed past small talk, but every movement and glance felt loaded. She needed to know more about Chaewon, she was hell-bent on it. The mystery of Yeonjun's words hung heavy over every interaction they had.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." Yunjin said, stepping out of the doorframe to shut it behind her. Upbeat pop music thumped through the walls, vibrating the floor. "My friend, her boyfriend just told her he loves her for the first time, so she's a little excited."

"She can't be excited without making everyone else suffer?" Chaewon asked, the ghost of a smile sneaking into the corners of her mouth. "Some people have work to do."

"Come on, it's not even quiet hours. I checked." Yunjin said proudly.

"I'm surprised you've even logged into your email." Chaewon said. She cocked a knowing eyebrow at Yunjin.

"I couldn't figure out my password for a while." Yunjin muttered quietly, avoiding Chaewon's eyes.

"It's your student ID number and birthdate." Chaewon chuckled. It made Yunjin's breath catch. Never did she imagine that a laugh so small could sound so pleasant.

"Well, I know that now." Yunjin looked up at her quickly, to see her expression before staring back down at the carpet. She was unsure of how to continue the conversation, but desperately wanting to.

"Tell your friend she has ten minutes before I lower the music myself." Chaewon said. The transition from pleasant to serious was jarring. Yunjin looked up at her again, catching a mysterious gaze before Chaewon turned and retreated to the room across the hall. Yunjin sighed, disappointed that this wasn't the time their interaction lasted a little longer. She entered her own room to Yeji lying back on her bed, grinning up at the ceiling. She looked over at Yunjin, waiting for the verdict.

"Chaewon says turn it down or she will." Yunjin relayed to her friend. She turned down the volume as she passed the speakers and hoisted herself up to sit on her bed.

"So does she love you yet, or what?" Yeji asked, quickly sitting up on her bed.

"Hwang, come on. You did not set us up." Yunjin laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Well, eventually you'll have to have an actual conversation with her considering how much time she spends in our doorway." Yeji raised an implying eyebrow at her.

"Yeah," Yunjin started, lifting herself onto her bed. "Probably a conversation about the future disciplinary action she'll take against us."

"Why don't you just go over there and talk to her?" Yeji prodded, now turning so her legs dangled over the side of the bed. It made Yunjin nervous, like Yeji knew something she didn't.

"Why do you assume I want to talk to her?" Yunjin asked. She crossed her arms defiantly.

Yeji gave her a look. "Come on."

"I'm serious." Yunjin said, shaking her head for emphasis.

"So am I." Yeji laughed and rolled her eyes at Yunjin. "You act like we're not best friends. I know you. I see the way you look after you talk to her, and I know you always slam the door when you leave in the morning hoping she'll come out and yell at you."

Room 808 (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now