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The teacher went on about themself and then said

"Your first grade will be a project with the person sitting next to you."

Heather was screaming inside. A project with HIM?

The teacher gave them each a note of what their project was about and if they wanted a slide show or poster.

"I say poster." Heather says firmly.

"Whatever you say mi amor." The tan boy says back.

"Stop with the fucking nickname it's gross!"

"Well I'm gonna need your phone number for the project"

"Fine! But delete it after!"


After school (sry I'm to tried to write the school part😭😭)

Heather gets a text

*hey where do you wanna do the project*

*well idk if you wanna come to my house my siblings are annoying as fuck*

*alright my house then?*

*fine ig*

*heres the address __________*

*k I'll be there soon*

*can't wait to see you😘*

*ew kys*

She gets to his house and he opens the door.

Mi amor (aleheather)Where stories live. Discover now