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Heathers pov:

*her alarm goes off*

"Ughh" she groaned.

"GET UP HEATHER ITS YOUR FIRST DAY OF 11TH GRADE" her mother yells from the kitchen.

She gets up and walks to her bathroom, she stepped on the scale.

"121? I need to lose 3 more pounds" she says.

She walks downstairs her older brother and younger brother are playing videos games.

"Hi Heather" her older brother, Elijah says. 

"Hey" she replies.

Heather's parents never payed attention to heather so Elijah basically raised her, and he is the only sibling out of 4 others she likes.

Her mother made her sisters food but nothing for her. 

She grabs some cereal from the cabinet and eats it quickly.

The goes back in her room and goes in the bathroom she purges then takes a shower.

Heather has purged since she was 12 her mother is always body shaming her so she does what ever she can to have a "perfect" body.

She gets dressed and does her makeup.

She wears a white crop top and baggy jeans to hide her thighs.

She says bye to her cat, bunnie and goes out to her car.

10 minute's later she arrived at school, seeing Courtney and her boyfriend Duncan. 

Court and Duncan have been off and on dating since 8th grade, Duncan cheated on court and they still are dating.

"HI HEATH" The brown haired girl says.

"Hey court!" Heather says.

They talk a bit about stuff and then get to class.

She sits down and waits for class to start.

Then this brown haired, tan boy sits next to her.

"Excuse me who do you think you are sitting next to me!" She says with an attitude.

"I'm sorry you just are so pretty, I'm Alejandro, Alejandro burromureto" the boy says.

"Im heather" she says quickly

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" Alejandro says.

"Fuck off you skezz" she says.

Heather has dated a lot of guys but she felt different about him.

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