The boy

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There were several sightings of a strange boy living in the woods about a mile from the city. There were hundreds of reported sightings, but they all only have the same information: it was a small boy no older than 10, her had a mane of long green hair and torn clothes. The heroes had been trying for years to find and bring them to the city, but all of their attempts had ended in failure, the boy knew the first like it was the back of his palm. Most of them had given up, with only a handful of them keeping thereof efforts to catch him. They had tried for years, yet no one caught him. All of their statements were along the same lines:

'I was behind the boy racing down the forest, when he took a sharp turn that was simply a feint for him to double back and gain a head start in the second chase. I turned on my heel and gave chase once again. After about a mile of running, he took out what looked like a knife and slashed at a branch that swung towards my eye and was barely blocked. He then set off trap after trap before I was forced to give up.'

'i was stalking him through the first when he turned me in the eye and smiled. After that he promptly ran off towards what sounded like a stream, during the following chase he cut some vines that were hanging from some branches and then the trees the branches were attached to fell down causing me to have to retreat.'

After reading many of these, all of but one of the heroes who had been trying to catch the elusive boy who had now been dubbed 'Dryad' by the general public, had given up the ghost, instead opting to leave him be. The hero who had not given up on the boy was none other than the R-Rated Hero Midnight. For some reason she felt compelled to see this through to the end. And so she set about to try and accomplish that. She had now been the only other person there boy had seen for years, but he didn't know how long it had been. Needless to say, he felt a closer bond with the woman, and had taken to leading her wrapped food wherever he left her stranded. One day however things felt different to her. As she shattered the boy she had become fond of, there was a flash of purple when he glared at a rock that tripped him and then it vanished. This shocked her as her had never been seen using his quirk once but here he was, using it in a rock of all things. The thing that scared her was when a wolf attacked him, she moved her hand to her sleeve to do it and it the creature to sleep, but in a flash of purple there rock, obviously changed, appeared in house hand and he used it to kill the wolf. After this, he just cradled his bleeding arm and leg or a giggle. Midnight was spooked by this, and believed the boy to have some sort of brain damage along with his arm so she put him to sleep at the first chance she got and rushed him to town.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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