treize, window shopping

Start from the beginning

  She waves, no matter how stupid it makes her feel. They meet halfway.

"Hi," Lily beams.

"Hello," Daphne replies, the contagion of her smile infecting her. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," her voice is cloying, trying her hardest not to laugh. Her grin would always betray her.

Daphne giggles. "Ew, stop. That's so cheesy."

"I know," she shrugs. Her eyes twinkle. "So, there's this bookshop on Lethe Street"

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  It's a sweet little place run by an old couple with every piece of literature imaginable, muggle or magical, and floral armchairs at every corner. A tame kingfisher warbles on the front desk, preening its turquoise feathers as a miniature river flows beneath its perch, wetting the edges of any paperwork strewn too close. ( Who's in charge of designing bird cages these days? Their creativity shows no bounds. ) Flower boxes are plastered to the front of windows, overflowing with gorgeous blossoms despite the harsh winter ahead. The pastel walls are all hand painted with moving scenes of woodland creatures roaming around, prancing from wall to wall as customers flock to the shelves.

Daphne picks up a copy of the Crystal Cave pensively, running her fingertips over the intricate cover art. She's not much of a reader, but she knows that it'll make Lily happy to be there, and that's all that really matters.

She nearly jumps out her skin when a flash of red hair clouds her vision, resting her hand over her heart and swearing in French. "Merlin, don't do that! You'll give me a heart attack one day."

Lily has a copy of the first Dune book cradled in her arm as if it's a newborn, and there's a twitchy look in her eyes that makes Daphne nervous.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks carefully. "What have you done?"

"Daphne, it's a two for one deal," she stresses. "I can't just get one book that would be insanity but I can't choose, either. It's like having to decide between a puppy or a kitten. It's fucking impossible."

"Alright, then," she replies. "What are my options?"

  Lily procures two novels from the shelf next to her, a tatty copy of the Wind in the Willows in one hand and a paperback Rebecca in the other. Daphne thinks that she looks pretty, all frazzled and rosy-cheeked, bundled up in a crochet scarf that her friend made especially for her. Her curls are poking out of her two plaits but Daphne only finds it more endearing, wishing that she could brush back those flyaways and show the true appreciation she has for every freckle on her face.

But she wouldn't do that. Not in a million years! That would be a bit strange, would it not?

  "You remembered the book I told you about?" Daphne grins. She runs her fingertips over the intricate cover art. "I completely forgot I mentioned it."

  "How could I not? It seemed important to you, Daphne. It was sweet."

  Her eyes glaze with pure adoration. She feels giddy enough that she could do fifteen laps around the school grounds and not feel a thing because of all the pure adrenaline thrumming in her veins. She just hopes that the smile she's wearing isn't too lovesick.

THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS,  lily evansWhere stories live. Discover now