deux, where on earth is evan rosier?

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chapter two,where on earth is evan rosier?

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chapter two,
where on earth is evan rosier?

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BEFORE SHE LEFT FOR ENGLAND, Daphne's grandmother had given her two simple instructions; and she has already managed to defy them both.

Number 1: don't make a fool of yourself.

N'y pense même pas don't even think about it, she had said sternly. Daphne recalls how she had shuddered under the strict gaze of the one and only Margaux Charpentier, right before she clung onto an ancient Portkey like it was her lifeline, her knobbly knees rattling together as though she were an admonished child. Their family's spectacular reputation is the dearest thing in that crone's hollow heart, and there would be a particularly colourful howler sent Daphne's way if anything went wrong! ( Yikes ). Now that she takes the time to think about it, Daphne hates to admit that she doesn't miss her good old grandmother as much as she probably should. Je t'aime, grand-mère!

  Yet, in all the hullabaloo of the station, and the Hogwarts Express, and the school itself, Daphne has managed to embarrass herself in ways she had never thought to be imaginable. Being sorted amongst a squeaky pack of First Years was mortifying enough as a bloody sixteen year old, but she had tripped her own shoelaces more than she had breathed and had been humiliated by a poltergeist extensively: so, she just has to watch as her own clumsiness seals her fate, paving the way to a very early grave. Daphne could see it now: a mossy headstone reading, death by Margaux Charpentier — it was slow and painful!

Number 2: find Evan Rosier immediately.

The Rosiers are dearly beloved relatives on her mother's side, but Daphne would be lying if she said that she could remember anything remotely important about Evan, apart from his impressive talent for sending them annual Christmas cards. She had last seen him on a summer holiday when she was about five, and had fallen out with him rather quickly after he chased her around the orchards with an unnaturally large garden spider on a stick that he had found. After that, she refused to talk to him for the rest of the summer she had nightmares for weeks!

THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS,  lily evansWhere stories live. Discover now