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CHAMP DE TOURNESOLS❀ — field of sunflowers — ❀

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field of sunflowers

CHAMP DE TOURNESOLS❀ — field of sunflowers — ❀

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  SO, HERE'S THE MELODRAMA: Daphne Charpentier is really bloody fed up!

  Of course, she's plenty of other things as well; the eldest sister, a painter, fatally headstrong but she's also totally short tempered! ( It's the Leo in her ). Rumour has it that her loving grandmother is preparing to ship her off to her good-for-nothing father's home all the way in rainy England because of a top secret matter that's beyond her, and she is not terribly happy about it. ( Daphne is très effrayant when provoked ). Of course, Beauxbatons can be a tad ridiculous with all the etiquette lessons and the extremely cruel Parisians dotted about the place, but that ancient château and those ridiculously comfortable blue uniforms will always have a special place in her heart.

Yet, even considering her heartwarming feelings regarding Beauxbatons and several prolonged arguments with her grandmother, Daphne finds herself imprisoned on a steam train with her little sister and a rescued Crup, parading through the rolling hills of the Northern Scottish countryside haunted by a broken relationship with her father and the overhanging remnants of something evil. She sits on that awful train in the midst of a miserable rain shower, desperately yearning for the amber sun that hangs high above the rooftops in Lyon, taunting her from all the way across the bloody English Channel.

   Daphne is definitely not bitter!

   But surely, her woes won't dig any deeper than complex homesickness and unstable relationships. Right? Wrong! Daphne is launched headfirst into a curriculum that she believes to have been constructed purely to destroy her impeccable grades and shatter her clemency. ( She's really not bitter ). However, according to her wise Head of House, her best option is to begin attending the most awkward tutoring sessions on the face of the earth with a very pretty Gryffindor that hates her guts for no apparent reason!

THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS,  lily evansWhere stories live. Discover now