Chapter 6 - End

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Catarina Devon was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Everything seemed to be going wrong in her life, and she didn't know how to cope with it. She began throwing objects around her room, breaking anything she could get her hands on.

As she continued to destroy her surroundings, she suddenly caught sight of a picture of her and Y/n. In that moment, all of her anger dissipated, and she was overcome with emotion. She fell to her knees, clutching the picture to her chest as tears streamed down her face.

All of the memories she had shared with Y/n came flooding back to her, and she realized that she had been taking her anger out on things that didn't deserve it. She knew that Y/n would never want her to act out in such a way, and that she needed to find a healthier way to deal with her emotions.

Catarina took a deep breath and slowly got up from the ground. She wiped away her tears, and began to clean up the mess she had made. She knew that it was going to take time, but she was determined to work through her problems in a positive way.

From that day forward, Catarina made a promise to herself and Y/n to always approach her emotions with love and understanding, and to never let her anger consume her again.

After Catarina Devon stopped crying, she picked up the picture of her and Y/n. She looked at it with a deep sense of longing and love. She whispered to the picture, "I will continue living for you my love. I promise."

Then, she kissed the picture tenderly, as if she were kissing Y/n herself. She knew that Y/n would want her to keep living, to keep pushing forward no matter how hard things got. She held the picture close to her heart and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the warmth of the memory of Y/n's love.

Catarina knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to honor Y/n's memory by living her life to the fullest. She would find a way to heal from her pain and learn to love again, even if it took time. She knew that Y/n would always be with her, guiding her with love and strength.

Catarina Devon sat there for a few more moments, holding the picture of her and Y/n close. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that Y/n was with her in spirit. She knew that her love for Y/n would never die, and that she would always carry it with her wherever she went.

As she got up from the ground, she took one last look at the picture and smiled. She knew that Y/n would be proud of her for finding the strength to move on. She knew that life would never be the same without Y/n, but she also knew that she had to keep living.

Catarina took a deep breath and made a vow to herself and Y/n. She promised to live her life to the fullest, to never take a single moment for granted, and to always cherish the memories she shared with Y/n. She knew that it was the only way to honor Y/n's memory and keep her love alive.

With that, Catarina Devon took the first steps towards a new beginning, with Y/n's love guiding her every step of the way.

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