Made to Watch - Day 4

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Two months had passed since the tragic kidnapping of Tony Stark, and Peter Parker still found himself grappling with the loss. But on this particular day, fate presented him with a haunting reminder of his fallen mentor.As Peter arrived home, he noticed a small box placed outside his apartment door. Curiosity piqued, he picked it up and carefully examined it. With a flicker of uncertainty, he decided to open it, revealing a lone tape nestled inside.Unable to resist the urge to uncover its contents, Peter swiftly made his way to the living room and inserted the tape into the television. A wave of mixed emotions overcame him as the images unfolded before his eyes.The grainy footage depicted Tony, bound to a chair, his weakened form visibly marked by the scars of unspeakable torture. Fear settled in Peter's heart, knowing that the man who had once been larger than life was now on the brink of death.It didn't take long for Peter to recognize the surroundings of the warehouse in the video. It was the same place where he had fought the Vulture, a battle that had forever changed his life. Determined to save his mentor, Peter resolved to return to that bleak and ominous location.Eager to reach Tony's side as quickly as possible, Peter swung through the city, his mind racing with thoughts of rescue. The warehouse loomed in the distance, a shadowy monument to their shared past. With a heavy heart, Peter cautiously entered, his senses on high alert.In one corner, obscured by the darkness, Peter spotted Tony—an icon of strength now reduced to a fragile, bleeding figure. Rushing to his side, Peter's trembling hands cradled Tony's dying body. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision, as he realized he had arrived too late to save the man who had become like a father to him.Grief consumed him, washing over him like a relentless tide. Peter clung to Tony's lifeless form, his sorrow echoing through the desolate warehouse. The weight of loss settled upon his young shoulders, forcing him to confront the harsh reality of a world without his hero.In that moment, Peter understood the true cost of being a hero. No matter how extraordinary their powers, even the mightiest among them could fall prey to the clutches of darkness. And as he held Tony's lifeless body, he vowed to carry on his mentor's legacy, to honor his memory, and to ensure that no one else suffered the same fate.With a heavy heart and a resolute spirit, Peter Parker emerged from that warehouse, forever changed. The sadness lingered, but it mixed with a newfound determination to protect the world and carry Tony's legacy forward.

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