Outnumbered - Day 3

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Peter Parker stumbled through the doors of the hospital, clutching his side where blood seeped between his trembling fingers. The pain wracked his body, making each step a struggle. His usually agile movements were reduced to desperate shuffles, every breath an agonizing reminder of his mortality.As he entered the hospital, his heart sank at the sight before him. The typically calm sanctuary of healing was transformed into a chaotic mess. Receptions overwhelmed with paperwork, doctors rushing from one patient to another without a moment to spare, and distraught families anxiously waiting for news. The air was heavy with anxiety.In that frozen moment, Peter realized that his injuries were but a drop in the ocean. The gravity of his situation was overshadowed by the urgent needs of others. The hospital was bursting at the seams, unable to cope with the sheer number of patients pouring in.Feeling a sense of guilt wash over him, Peter made a difficult decision. He turned away from the overcrowded hospital, knowing deep down that he needed help, but unable to bear the burden of adding to the chaos and burdening the already stretched medical staff.With each faltering step, his strength waned, and the world around him spun into a haze of pain. He sought solace in the shadows, the cool darkness of an alleyway beckoning to him like a gentle embrace. Life slowly drained out of his body, leaving him feeling detached and unreachable.In that final moment, curled in the darkness, his thoughts turned to those he loved. Memories of Aunt May, his friends, and Michelle Jones pierced through the growing void within him. Regret washed over him, regret for not seeking help, for not saying goodbye, for leaving them behind.As his eyes fluttered closed, Peter Parker, the valiant superhero known as Spider-Man, succumbed to the darkness, his tragic fate sealed in the unforgiving night. And in that cool dark alleyway, his absence would forever leave a void in the hearts of those who knew him, a reminder of the sacrifices heroes make in a world that often fails to notice their silent struggle.

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