1:y/n blight?!?!

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(Midoryas pov)
'A. New. student . We are getting a new student and she's a blight?! Could my day get any worse' I thought as I watch for the door scared if she would bully me for being quirkless after a few more minutes I see a girl a beautiful girl with green ish brown ish hair she looked gorgeous. Shit she caught me starring at her she looked at me with no interest I had to make her mine.

"Alright class as you can see we have a new student with us. Could you please introduce yourself?",

" I'm blight y/n I hope you know I have no interest in making any friends here" god she was gorgeous.

" okay any questions class?"

" yeah I got one what your goddamn quirk!" Ka-Chan if she doesn't have a quirk she's going to be doomed.

" my quirk is witch I can do spells like a normal witch and summon a palismen. Palismen are a witch's best friend mine is a white cat named ghost" she told everyone as she went to go sit down but I know one day i will befriend her but all I know now is that,

She Will Be Mine she doesn't have a choice.

(Y/n's p.o.v )
I hate it I hate everyone right now but as of today I just need to get good grades and get into UA even though I came here at the end of the year but that was mother's fault she got me and them expelled from he die not my fault her fault but father won't do anything about it he's always working.

"Anyway since you're third years you all got to figure what your gonna do for the future but heck it you all want to go to UA right?".

Ugh as if these terrible quirked people could ever get into UA I will though I have to or else who knows what mother might do she would be mad at not only me but father and my siblings.

They have been trouble makers for everyone and mom basically gave up making them apart of a coven so I'm the last choice in my family so I must be perfect.

how was this for a first chapter

Little miss perfect( yandere bnha x amity(toh) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now