"They are not toys." Missy grumbled, stretching out her legs and giving her bare toes an experimental wiggle, at least her pedicure had survived the mud bath intact the same could certainly not be said of her manicure and Missy despaired as she took in her mud encrusted fingernails...there was only so much that could be done with a bucket of water and a brush...her hair still felt decidedly stiff and dirty.

"But you don't deny trying to kill me AGAIN!" Osgood retorted an angry flush staining her cheeks as the memories of being trapped against that railing, the hard warm press of Missy's body against hers and seductive whisper of words and thoughts dripping into her mind were shattered by the realisation it was all a trick. "And no more going inside my head without permission!"

Now that was interesting...why that specifically...Ah yes...The smug smile returned to The Mistress's lips and she tilted her head to gaze up at Skip from under lowered lashes. "Why worried about what else I might find lurking about in that sick little head of yours Skip? I mean you've not been getting all excited and touching yourself whilst imagin..."

"SHUT UP!" Osgood all but screamed in her face her fingers reaching out and grasping The Mistress by the rough oversized collar of the homespun nightshirt and pressing her back against the cave wall. "We are NEVER going to talk about that again. You put those thoughts in my head."

"Well if thinking that will help you sleep at night..." Missy sniggered, her pet's sudden outburst and violent behaviour was the most amusing thing Osgood had done in ages.

"But fine if you want to live in denial about your sexual attraction to me then so be it I won't mention it again." She added innocently with a playful pout. "I mean I won't even so much as mention how much you clearly want to push me up against this wall and snog me senseless."

Gritting her teeth Osgood forced herself to uncurl her fingers from Missy's clothing taking a strategic step back and then another and another until she felt the reassuring solid presence of the other wall against her back and then she sank down it until she was seated on the floor. "You are a complete bitch I hope you know that." She muttered.

Allowing her expression to soften slightly and allow a fraction of her growing fondness to show through The Mistress could only nod at Osgood's assessment, better a bitch than a victim. "You know I really wouldn't worry about it Skip I am just special like that, eventually everyone has naughty thoughts about me."

Unable to hide the little huff of laughter Osgood couldn't believe this was The Mistress's idea of consoling someone that the time lady was even bothering to make the attempt was surprisingly touching even if of course everything still revolved about her. "It's not...you don't understand..."

"What don't I understand?" Missy questioned tilting her head like a bird as she studied the way Osgood seemed to sink into herself. "That you think finding me attractive is something to be embarrassed about, that there is something wrong about it? You're right I don't understand, I mean all of The Doctor's little earth girls seem to end up falling for him so why should I be any different?"

"But you're not..." Osgood blushed unable to meet Missy's questioning gaze and so she settled for picking at the cuff of her own borrowed clothing. "I mean apart from the fact that you're psychotic and evil...you're not the same as The Doctor because...because well you're not..."

Frowning in confusion Missy tried to follow the girl's logic, for someone normally so forthright and sensible Osgood was suddenly not making any sense. "Of course I'm the same we're both time lor..." And then it clicked, like a lock turning as The Mistress for the moment stopped looking at things from a time lord perspective and instead overlaid what she knew of human society.

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