Chapter Eleven - Jade

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"I think I hurt Noah's feeling." I blurted when sitting with my friends at lunch.

Amaya looked up at me "How, what did you say?"

"I told him I didn't want to walk inside with him, and maybe kinda told him that dating him would be a horrible idea..." I said the last part softly.

"Is this about the rumours going around about you and him?" Elena asked.

"Yes. It is, I just don't want it to seem like it's true."

"Is it true?" Amaya asked.

"No! God no, Noah and me both have a mutual relationship, I tutor him so he can play and I get credit for it." I said smiling.

"We'll have you maybe thought that Noah wants more to your relationship, maybe he likes you." Elena offered eating a fry off my plate.

"He doesn't, Noah likes girls who are blonde and like to party." I said "And I'm definitely not that." "He could never like me."

"Maybe he changed." Amaya said, "think about it you two have been a good amount of time together, maybe he realised just how amazing you are." She smiled at me.

"Or maybe he doesn't, but I can't have people thinking that we are would be awful." I sighed thinking of the consequences of this.

"What do you mean." Amaya asked getting all the trash together.

"It would boost your popularity by a lot, and hey think of all the parties we could go to." Elena laughed.

"We aren't going to any parties." I said my tone serious. I did not want to cause trouble with these rumours. So showing up at a party with Noah would not be good.

I searched my bag for my Stats workbook and realised I must've left it in my locker.

"I'll be right back, I need to grab something from my locker." I said getting up.

Walking out of the cafeteria, I made a beeline for my locker.

Grabbing my textbook I was startled by someone clearing their throat. I turned and met a pair of green eyes.

"Jade right?" The boy asked.

"Yes, hi can I help you?"

"Hey, I'm Colton I'm in your Stats class."he said nodding at the workbook in my hand.

"Oh yeah, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you had the homework done."

"Um yea, here." I fished it out of my bag and handed it to him. "You can get it back to me in class."

"Thanks Jade I owe you one." He grinned at me flashing his pretty white smile.

I smiled at him and went on my way.

When I got back the girls were packing up their bags the bell was about to ring.

"Alright guys I'll see you later, definitely gonna need some help on tonight's Physics homework...FaceTime call tonight?" Elena asked slinging her bag over her shoulder she asked.

"Yea for sure,call you tonight." I said smiling at her.

I walked down the hall entering my Statistics class and sat down in my seat.

"Thanks for the help." Colton walked over to my desk placing my homework on the table.

"No problem,I'm glad I could help." I smiled at him softly.

The bell rang signalling that class had started.
"That test was kinda easy." Sophia said as we walked out the door.

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