Celebrating Our Flaws

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In a world of imperfections, here I stand,
I'm not perfect, you see, just a mortal, a mere hand.
I laugh and I cry, just like you and me,
I choke on my words, yet I yearn to be free.

I get whiny at times, without cause or rhyme,
Then regret my annoyance, in the sands of time.
I'm annoying, I know, and I can be a pest,
But through these flaws, I try my very best.

I cling so tightly, or push far away,
In the ebb and flow of the emotional fray.
But remember, dear friend, in this life's grand plan,
Perfection eludes us, we're only human.

So let's embrace the quirks, the faults, and the mess,
For in our imperfections, we find our true finesse.
In this imperfect dance, we find our own way,
For it's in our humanity, our hearts truly sway.

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