He smiles softly while muttering, "it's alright."

He looks past her while continuing, "I made you a path."

She looks to where he was looking and sees the path of knocked down trees that he had carved out on his journey their. Looking back at him, she kneels once more then reaches out and gently caresses his cheek again while saying, "confirmation: Yuzuru will be back with help."

He softly smiles back at her while saying, "I'll be looking forward to seeing you again."

She softly smiles back at him then gently kisses him on the forehead. Pulling back, she stands up while saying, "confirmation: when Yuzuru gets back. She will give you as many of those as your heart desires."

He weakly responds, "I can't.... Wait."

She turns around and starts running down the path back towards the beach while Burchard watches her while muttering to himself, "goodbye Yuzuru."

He slumps forward with his eyes closed and a lone tear rolling down his cheek while whimpering, "I'll always..... love you."

As Yuzuru runs, tears stream down her cheeks as she knows, deep down she truly knows that was the last time she would ever see him but she buries this feeling. No matter what happens, no matter the obstacle she faces, she will be back because she wants to keep her promise to him. She will keep her promise.

As she gets closer to the beach, her attention gets taken by the sound of someone bawling their eyes out. Now knowing that something was wrong, Yuzuru picks up the pace so she could get to her sister in her time of need. She's able to get out of the forest and out to the beach where she sees a truly.... Strange sight.

For some reason shido was standing and looking like he didn't know what to do while looking down at a kneeling Kaguya who like Yuzuru before was desperately attempting to cover herself with her hands while bawling her eyes out.

Thinking that Shido did something to her, Yuzuru storms over to and pushes him away from her then gets between him and Kaguya while demanding, "inquiry: what did you do to Kaguya?"

Shocked at the accusation he defends himself while waving his hands around frantically and saying, "I didn't do anything to her!"

Unconvinced she asks, "inquiry: then why did Yuzuru find her naked and crying while kneeling in front of you?"

Before he can respond, she hears Kaguya wail behind her, "it was horrible!"

Turning her attention to her sister, she kneels next to her and wraps her in a hug while saying, "comfort: there there. Tell Yuzuru what happened?"

Still thinking he was being unjustly accused, Shido says, "hang on! I'll explain....."

He stops talking when he sees her glaring back at him while saying, "demand: go get Kaguya something to cover up."

Still caught off guard he stutters, "bu-but...."


Realizing he wasn't going to win this he simply nods his head then runs off down the beach. Yuzuru turns her attention back to Kaguya while asking, "inquiry: please tell Yuzuru what happened?"

Through the sniffles she is able to whimper, "after you left, it was just me and Shido on the beach and with the sun setting and the waves gently crashing on the beach. It felt like the mood was just right so I kissed him.... Then my clothes just disappeared, and I felt so weak like all my energy was just zapped out of me."

Hearing her sisters story, she fixates on one detail then asks, "inquiry: your clothes disappeared..... after you kissed?"

Kaguya nods in response as she wipes away her tears then says, "yeah..... but what was weird about it was that shido didn't seem surprised."

She finishes her sentence right as shido comes running back with a beach towel. He hands it off to Yuzuru who in turn wraps Kaguya in it then helps her to her feet. Unsure of what was said, shido asks, "so you know what happened now?"

He is answered by a look of suspicion from Yuzuru who asks, "inquiry: did you know this would happen if you kissed her?"

Realizing now was better than never to explain things, he nods then replies, "yes. That's what happens when your spirit powers are sealed. I don't know why but your clothes disappear."

Now calmed down, Kaguya look at him with annoyance while stating, "yah know if you would have told me that before hand then none of this would have happened?"

Feeling guilty he scratches the back of his head while replying, "sorry, but everything happened so quickly that I didn't have time."

Realizing something, Kaguya looks back and sees Yuzuru only wearing a sweater. Now confused she asks, "wait.... Then does that mean you're powers where sealed to?"

She replies, "confirmation: I believe so."

Shido look at them both shocked but Is able to say, "but that's impossible."

Thrown off by the statement, they both look over at him while Yuzuru asks, "inquiry: what do you mean by impossible?"

He replies, "it's impossible that you had your powers sealed because I'm the only one capable of sealing spirits."

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