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Morning had came very quickly, as I was being violently awoken by billy shaking me. I groaned as I turned over, falling off the couch.


I simply said causing billy to start dying of laughter, I gave him a death stare, ashamed of his laughter at my fall.

"I'm sorry seph I really am but-" he was cut off by more of his own laughter,causing me to giggle slightly,it was kind of funny.

I got up and brushed myself off,taking my seat back on the couch. Once again, I looked down, checking my 'stab wound' which ceased to exist.

"It really was a dream." I said to myself, causing Billy's eyebrows to furrow. "What was a dream?"

He asked with his head slightly tilted. I shuck my head. "You don't wanna know.." I said shivering. He sat down,right beside of me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Tell me babydoll, I wanna know" he said calmly, urging me to tell him. But I don't know how to tell my best friend 'I'm scared of you cause I dreamed about you killing me'.

But, like usual, I obey and tell him.

"Well.. in my dream you-you we're the killer and you stabbed me.. and you looked almost...proud?.."

"Oh my god... I am so sorry you had that awful nightmare." He said engulfing me in a tight hug, again. "You know I'd never do that to you.. right?" He asked. I paused,zoning out on the tv.

He soon shuck me slightly. "Sephy?" "Yes?" I replied, he simply stared at me before asking again. I nodded and buried my head into his neck, like I have before.

"You know I love you right?"

Those words echoed through my head. What the fuck? Did he really just say that?

"I...I love you too billy.."

I didn't know how to respond, so I just said it back. He got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen, kissing my forehead before he did so.

I stood there in shock, why was he doing all of this?..

Last night, Billy's pov;

The phone started ringing off it's hook. I groaned quietly, as to not disturb persephone. I walked over to the phone, picking it up before saying "hello?".

"Billy what the fuck? You're spending the night with my sister?! And you hang up on me after I tell you she likes you?!"

"Don't fucking yell at me Sidney. I'm honestly so done with your shit. You always think I'm cheating on you, but let me be honest here. Your sister has made me happier these 6 years than you ever have since we started dating!"

"Oh your done with my shit?"

"Yes! Yes I am. I'm done Sidney. Enjoy your year."

I said slamming the phone down and walking back into the living room, sitting down and pulling y/n on my lap. She curled back up into a ball and began to fall asleep, soon drifting off into peaceful sleep.

I smiled as I stared at the girl in my lap. I pulled a cover over the both of us and kissed her forehead "goodnight sephy.." I mumbled as I began to fall asleep aswell.

I can make you SCREAM~ billy loomis.Where stories live. Discover now