As they entered the tent, the air was heavy with tension, the atmosphere crackling with anticipation. Wen Chao, his wrists bound tightly, glared at them with fury burning in his eyes. He spat out a torrent of vulgar curses, each word laced with venom and hatred. But his words fell on deaf ears, lost in the ether of indifference.

"You dare to bring me here?!" Wen Chao yelled, his voice filled with rage.

Nie Huaisang sighed dramatically, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You've asked that question so many times already! I'm bored of it now," he replied, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation.

Wen Chao's face turned red with fury, his eyes widening as he tried to intimidate them with his threats. "I'll kill you all!" he shouted, his voice trembling with anger.

Xiao Zhan's expression remained unchanged, his eyes locking onto Wen Chao's with an intensity that sent a shiver down the captive's spine. "Try it." He challenged, "If you manage to do that then, you'll go free."

"Do you think that I won't be able to?!" Wen Chao screamed.

"Then show us what you can do." Xiao Zhan replied nonchalantly, tapping his feet in provocation. "I'm waiting."

Wen Chao lifted his head defiantly towards Xiao Zhan. "You're asking for death!!" He snarled as he struggled against the thick rope binding his arms were tight enough that they're digging into his skin.

"Oh, shut up! Look at yourself! You don't even have the chance to fight back!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed with an irritated voice.

"Do you think that I am afraid? My father will destroy all of you!" Wen Chao still boasted arrogantly.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Do you think you'll be alive until then?" Nie Huaisang snickered. "Even your little plan of attack failed miserably, Wen Chao. How pathetic."

Wen Chao glared at him hatefully, "You are just lucky! And you're going to regret not killing me. Just wait until my father comes for me, you son of a-"

"Do you think your father will save you once he knew you are snitching on him?" Xiao Zhan cut him off. He was getting tired of listening to the screechy voice.

"Snitch? I'll never snitch!" Wen Chao spat.

"Not yet." Xiao Zhan wore a smirk. "But you will tell me everything."

Wen Chao's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice filled with scorn. "You think I would betray my father?!"

"Didi, are you going to torture him? Are you going to cut his fingers one by one or tear his limbs?" Nie Huaisang questioned eagerly.

Xiao Zhan took a glance at Wen Chao and smiled menacingly. It was enough to make Wen Chao froze in fear his eyes widening in terror. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, dripping down his face as his mind raced with the realization that he was in real deep shit. His eyes darted between the figures in front of him, searching for any sign of mercy, but all he saw was the cold determination in their gazes. He realized that he was truly powerless, trapped in a web of his own making.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you recognizable. We'll take care of every detail." Xiao Zhan grinned and turned to Lan Wangji, "Let's get started, Lan Zhan."


"Wait... Wait... What are you going to do to me?" Wen Chao's panic escalated, and he started to frantically back away as Lan Wangji approached him. "Wait!" He shrieked.

Lan Wangji ignored him, his movements swift and precise. Without wasting any more time, he delivered a solid punch to Wen Chao's face, knocking him out cold.

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