Seok Jung's words ring in his ears, 'Do not hold back or they will as well. They will follow your lead.' Another lesson to remember. He wonders if he had been more open about his own issue, if Jimin would have been? Was his silence a factor?

He had fallen prey to the pressures of society to be a specific type of person, the intellect. He will always wonder if he had talked more about that pressure he felt to uphold a image that was not truly him, if Jimin would have discussed his own stressors. They both hid, and now he will never know.

Do not keep things inside is what Jimin taught him, a life lesson that he will forever adhere to. If Jimin had let his loved ones know what pained him, they could have worked to ease his pain.  It helps no one to keep what is dark about them from those who care about you.  Rather Jimin proved to battle one's pains, you need light. 

 He vows he will practice what he preaches, that he will not hold back anymore, even the mushy stuff.  He breaks the silence between Seo-Jun and him as he buckles up.  "Thank you for taking care of Jin. He means a great deal to me."

"Always. He is good people, has a great heart."

As she pulls out of the parking lot on to the main road, she face becomes drawn. "However, his heart it will get broken far too often if he continues on this track. He opens himself up to others to easily.  I am not sure he knows just how wounded some of these young people are, not all will be as kind as Jimin."

At least in her viewpoint, but then again, she is accused of playing it to close to the chest. She had to; in the world she was raised in people are only out for themselves. You keep yourself, and your family together, fed, and safe by not allowing others in, keep yourself closed. The top dog is angry, and snarls their warning that they will feed before others. She has worked hard to ensure that her family never goes hungry.

What she came to understand was that there were different packs, but they all functioned the same.  The only difference was that some had warmer places to sleep than others.

That was until mom and dad came into Aoto's life. Aoto was the runt of the pack they ran with, she did her best to keep the Alpha away, but he had become his toy. Because of that he became the toy of others as well.

Dogs are not known to take care of their toys; the Alpha did not take care of Aoto. He thoroughly enjoyed his toy, but tossed him aside after ripping him apart that night.

She watched from the dark this odd collection of a pack called the Chos as they surrounded Aoto. She could not fathom what Aoto had to offer to this pack that they would want him so badly.

What she knew was that this pack was better for him than hers. It pained her to see him go, but it was best. He was more than alive, which was all she could offer him, he was thriving in that pack. She saw no marks on him from this pack.

He was safe with this pack, until the night the Alpha wanted his pretty toy back. She feared she was too late; the Alpha had a head start on her. Aoto was basically alone in their den that night, easy prey.

She heard an unyielding voice make its demand. It did not waver or quiver, "You put him down, or I will put a bullet through your brain. You will not make it to the door.  Do not under estimate me."

She thought she heard a popcorn popping. The next sound however, was the thud of someone falling. She tripped on the body lying face first on the floor as she entered the den. When she looked up, it was into the barrel of a pistol.

"My sister," Aoto screamed. She could hardly believe her eyes, behind the pistol was the whirly bird.

The barrel remain in her vision, "Aoto call dad." The whirly bird's voice was controlled, "And you have to get the hell out of here NOW. I have him sister. I will not let them take him, I just proved that to you and the gang.  NOW run."

Breeze - Book 4 - The Final Chapters - BTS FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now