Moving Forward

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The skies have cleared, bring back the brilliant blues of this magical place.  Jin's soul in not complete healed, but he knows that the place he wants to be is in the real world.  His overwhelming sense of despair, regret and sadness has been lowered to a level he can deal with.  No, he was not cured in a snap of finger like in his games, but he can function now. 

Jin accompanies Seo-Jun and Namjoon to the ferry. "I am going to spend the rest of the day with Seok Jung. I have a feeling I might not get a chance like this again for a while. We are going to catch the last car ferry out tonight. I will be at the thing tomorrow." It does not feel like a celebration to him.

Namjoon notices that Jin has taken Seo-Jun's hand as he says good-bye to her.  Seok Jung catches Namjoon's eye and winks, he approves. Namjoon is not sure that he is ready to share Jin yet. He had not believed Yoongi when he told him that Jin was smitten with her, it looks like Yoongi might be correct.

Namjoon steps back to give them space.  He will share Jin with the right person, he is just not sure Seo-Jun is the right person. Seo-Jun volunteered to take Namjoon back to Seoul with her, so his family does not have to make the trip. He will use the trip back to get to know her better.  

Aoto has told him of their shared background, she is a bit ... rough around the edges.  He does not want Jin to get cut.

He stands at the rail watching Jin wave seriously at first and then silly.  They are not losing Jin, in fact he feels they are getting and even better version.  It is the first time since getting off the plane Namjoon has felt he can get through this, that light will come back to the their world.

He knew where he was heading in his life now, he had a direction. When he was younger his life's direction was found in books, then it moved to words on a page, which morphed to lyrics, and finally onto the stage. He will do what Jimin suggested, make the industry better for the next generation.

He functions better when he has a concept of where he is heading. He does not need all the details; those can limit one's life if you become to dedicated to the details. Broad strokes of a future work for him, the details come as he gets closer.  Flexibility is the key to success. 

Namjoon thought about the last few months, how fast everything had changed. No matter how hard he tries, time keeps moving on him, it will never slow down for him. These days, it feels like he is starting a new time period on his life, after Jimin. His world changed when he joined Big Hits, and it has changed again when Jimin did not come out of the car with Jin and Yoongi.

As Jin gets small and further away Namjoon worries that he should have stayed till he watches a breeze blows though Jin's hair.  Jimin had him, so did his brother who was standing next to him.  Namjoon waves one last time, then heads inside looking for something warm to drink.   

He sits at a table by the window, keeping a chair incase Seo-Jun decides to join him.  She had left him to go make a few calls. He can't see the island anymore, just open sea.  He reflects on the lessons from his time with Jimin that he will forever remember. The most important, not to keep things inside.

Namjoon is still lost in thought as the boat docks. He finds Seo-Jun was the first off and is already walking toward the parking lot. They do not exchange words, he simply follows her where she went.  

He huffs at himself as he walks.  His words to others are not the same he says to himself.. Not long ago he was telling Tae to stop keeping things inside, it was destroying him physically and mentally. What a hypocrite he was with Tae, he was hiding his eye condition for over a year now. Yet, there he was telling Tae not to hide anything. He had been sincere when he spoke to Tae.  However, he did not practice what he preached.

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