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(AHHHHH OMG, IM SO SORRY, bruh I'm so dumb. Not me saying all publish more chapters that week 🥲. ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU BY UPDATING THIS STORY MORE OFTEN. School is a pain in the ass D: )



I stumble down the long and dark hallway of the apartments that have been deserted for God knows how long. I take in my surroundings, and I keep shivering.

"Why is it so damn cold?!" I cry out, and my voice echoed throughout the corridor.
I hug myself in an attempt to make myself warm up at least a little bit.

I flinch as I hear a door slam shut, 'Oh my god' I turn to look behind me. Nothing.

I shake my head, and I slowly keep moving forward. "What is going on? Why am I even here in the first place..."

I place a hand over my injured shoulder, and I close my eyes.

I feel my body slowly rocking back and forth. Maybe this isn't a good idea. So I open my eyes again.

It takes a few seconds before my eyes adjust to the dark hallway.
I remove my hand from my shoulder, and I continue my stroll.

"Simon? Where are you?!" I shout.


"You have to be shitting me right now..." I sigh, and I look over to my left, and I see a door that's cracked open.

'Maybe he's in here...' I assume, and I carefully walk over to the door, and I lightly push it open.

"Simon? Are you in here?"


I push open the door. While doing so, the door falls off its hinges and breaks off the doorframe.

I flinch at the sudden action. Why did I do that? I'm stupid.
I mentally facepalm, and I let out a short sigh as I enter a rather strange looking room.

"What is this place?" I look around the room.

The walls are painted a pure blinding white, not a speck of dirt on the walls. There's also a small desk with a folder, a small leather covered notebook, and a bottle of what looks like, antidepressants.

I give the bottle a strange look. 'It looks similar to the one I have' . I walk up to the desk and I take the bottle in my hands.

I examine the bottle and my eyes widen.

It's the same medication I take for my depression and anxiety. I open the bottle just to make sure that it's the right kind.

Escitalopram. That's the type of medication I take. It's a small white pill that I dread seeing everyday.

I gulp as I see the same small, white pill. What is this doing here? Why is this room here? What is the purpose of all this stuff?

I start to question myself until I drop the bottle of pills. The medication slips out of the bottle and glides across the room.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora