Start from the beginning

    "Light seems mad at you."

"Isn't he always?"

"That's true."

"By the way, are you sure you don't want some cake?" L met her eyes.

She contemplated the question.

"Well?" He murmured.

"I'll take a bite," she finally answered as she leaned forward and opened her mouth. "Ah~"

L blinked.

Then, ever so slowly—painfully slow, at that—his hand reached out holding a fork speared with a piece of cake for her, watching like a hawk as her lips closed around the utensil so she could eat the confectionary. And just like that, she pulled away, rolling her eyes to the ceiling as she chewed before swallowing, then smiling at L.

"You're right," she nodded. "That cake is good."

"Of course it is."

"God... what is wrong with you?" Light finally snapped after witnessing the whole spectacle between the other two, his eyes darkening with a silent and building rage as he glared at the detective. "I thought moving here was supposed to help us catch Kira, but since we've been here, you don't seem all that motivated to me. And now you're sitting there feeding (Y/N) cake."

The girl's brow raised.

L looked away.

"I guess I take your silence as confirmation?" Light scowled, his hatred for the man growing.

"Yes... you're right. Actually, I'm depressed," L muttered as he set his plate of cake down, gazing melancholically out the window. "(Y/N)... I guess she was helping me forget that."

"Why even are you depressed in the first place to... 'need' (Y/N)?" Light physically recoiled at his own words, hating how they sounded.

"Well..." he started, placing the pad of his thumb on his lip as he mulled over the question. "Truthfully, all this time, I thought that you were Kira and my entire case hinged on that fact. I guess I just can't get past the fact that my deduction was wrong. Although, having said that, I'm still suspicious of you." He stopped in his little speech, exhaling softly before continuing, "And considering that now Kira's killings have completely stopped with no change to your demeanor or schedule, there isn't anything that I can do."

"Then... you're suspicious of me as Kira, yet you don't know how?" Light's eyes narrowed even further as his arms tightened across his chest.

"Yes, I don't think I could've been wrong about that. You are Kira," L answered stoically.

"Haven't we considered the probability that Kira's power might pass between people?" (Y/N) hummed as she threw her arms over the back of the couch she was sitting on and crossed her legs, her foot moving in rhythm to an unknown beat to all but her. "I mean, considering the first and second Kira talked about 'Shinigami's' and 'having the eyes,' it wouldn't be too far fetched for something to be linking them together—a similarity in their power that allows them to possess it."

"And what would this similarity be?" L's dark gaze bored into her own.

"Who knows?" She shrugged.

"If we allow ourselves to think that this possibility were true, then it would mean that Light—if he was Kira—wasn't Kira at the time when the second Kira was looking for him," L then hypothesized as he stared at his piece of cake, as if wondering whether to eat the rest of it or just continue to admire it. "Considering the second Kira would have tried to make contact at all of the places in their journal entries, and the fact that Light went to one, they would have been able to associate themselves with him. But that didn't happen."

"It's an interesting idea for sure," Light sighed as he nodded his head.

"Yes, however, that also makes it almost impossible to actually catch Kira," L bit his lip, countering (Y/N)'s idea with the impossibility. "Which is why I'm overwhelmed. If (Y/N)'s theory is correct and if we catch someone under this type of 'control,' they'll likely lose their powers and any memory of their crimes. So, in the end, pursuing them becomes futile."

"But at this point, we have no way of knowing if that's the case," Light gestured with his hand and a furrow of his brows. "Like you said. This is a theory. Cheer up, would you?"

"'Cheer up?' No, I'm sorry, I can't—it's probably better if I stop trying so hard," L insisted with a shake of his head. "By chasing Kira so desperately we're just putting our lives at risk for nothing. Yes, it's just a waste of time."

(Y/N) bit her lip, swallowing thickly.

Light's about to snap.

I can feel it.

"Ryuzaki..." Light stood up, his hair covering any expression he was making.

L looked up when hearing his alias, something that was timed perfectly when Light punched him square in the jaw, throwing him across the room with a pained grunt.

(Y/N) immediately stood up.

It's starting...

    It's starting

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