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Ever since she was young, Lisa had always had the misfortune of knowing what others around her were thinking. Sometimes she considered this ability a gift, an unwelcome opportunity. When other people were wallowing in self pity or drowning in sorrow she'd know when to step in and help, offer up a subtle piece of life advice or slide an inspirational quote into a conversation. Tell the people she held dearest to her what they needed to hear to be able to go about their day with a smile on their face.

Other times it was a curse.

Lisa had grown up openly gay in a very closed-minded town. So you can only imagine the things she'd heard. Well, metaphorically speaking. All the things people were too scared to verbalize, the taunts and sneers, she was victim to no less because of her innate ability. The whispers haunted her late at night when she tried sleeping, the truly honest thoughts people had about her growing up had him scarred and unwilling to make friends.

That was until she'd moved away to University. Packing up her belongings and moving half way across the country had been worth it. Finally she'd met people who weren't so closed minded, people who accepted any and everything about her. She'd grown up with a very loving family, she always had both of her mothers support in every decision she made. Lisa loved them dearly, the purest form of love. But, having two mothers was also half the problem. The pointed looks, the judgmental glances she's been spared the majority of her life had her eager to get away. Ready to start anew.

She'd learnt a lot about her peers throughout the past two years at University.

She knows her friend Jisoo is secretly a virgin, even though she often brags about getting the pussy of her lifetime. In all honesty this occurs every other Tuesday. The petite blonde haired girl is always eager to delve into the details of her none existent sex life. Lisa humors her, knowing full well that Jisoo's terrified of taking that next step, but feels like she need's to overcompensate as she has a reputation to uphold.

Seulgi often participates in cam work, using her lithe body and impeccable dance moves to earn her a pretty penny. She needs the extra funds to afford additional dance classes. Everyone's always wondering where her extra money comes from, how she rains it in. But Lisa knows.

Momo's into wearing skirts in the privacy of her own home. Chiffon, lace, silk. You name it, Momo's got it. Lisa doesn't judge, she finds it adorable. But she won't bring it up. She know's how shy it makes her unnie.

Sana has a crush on the star athlete, the handsome genius known as Tzuyu. It's not obvious at all. The entirety of her longing is concealed in stolen glances and secret smiles. Even the most observant of eye's wouldn't notice, pick up on the subtle hints. But Lisa knows. Knows each and every thing about every single one of her friends, without even asking.

She feels ashamed, but she's too scared to tell them the truth. We all have thing's we like to hide. It should be kept that way, respecting the privacy of others is a basic human right. But Lisa's ability allows her access to every person's most private, innermost thoughts. She hate's it.

It's a fucking violation.

After mindless hours concentrating over the years, trying to drown out the voices ricocheting around her skull. After years of countless migraines and nose bleeds, she'd managed some semblance of control. She tries with all her might to shut out all the gossip, the rumors, the secrets. Instead settling for honing in on one persons thought's alone.

That person being Jennie Kim. Her next door neighbor and her class mate. It's invasive, she knows that. But she just can't help herself from listening in on Jennie's inner musings. Her fantasies. It's Lisa's safe haven away from the harsh realities of life, a special radio station she's solely tuned into. Focusing on her thought's alone, helps her shut out the noise made by other people's tumultuous thoughts. Lisa oftentimes finds herself thankful for the welcome distraction.

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