"You're programmed to help me, Lyla, not goof off," Miguel said sternly. "Now please do the thing," he commanded.

"What thing? I don't know what thing?" Lyla played stupid and uncrossed her arms.

"Lyla, don't make me repeat myself. Show us the multiverse," Miguel said harshly with a deep harsh Spanish accent. I shivered a bit and bit down on my lip. My cheeks slightly went pink and I looked down.

"Ugh, fineeee!" She quickly made all of our srrounding turn dark blue and the only thing in the blue void was a white tree.

"What is that?" I slowly looked up at the white tree.

"The multiverse of Spiders," Lyla said confidently.

"Lyla, my job," Miguel reminded in annoyance.

"I like her though! Let me say it!" Lyla huffed out. She cross her arms and tried to give him a stern look.

"Lyla..." Miguel threatened with his own stern look, which was way scarier.

"I can make that suit disappear!" Lyla suddenly blurted out.

"Woah, what?!" I exclaimed with shocked eyes.

"Basically his suit is holographic which means if I wanted to, I could easily leave him without one!" Lyla said teasingly then stuck her tongue out at Miguel.

"Do the thing and explain it!" Miguel hissed out.

"Thank you!" Lyla giggled then started to teleport all around the tree and explain literally everything about it. I watched in shock and eyed everything closely. I nodded along and listened to all her words. "And there you go! The Spider-Verse!" Lyla did jazz hands at the tree then made everything go away.

"That was...so cool!!" I giggled childishly and smiled brightly.

"Great... She is a child..." Miguel mumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lyla, out," he commanded harshly.

"Well, time for him to throw a tantrum!" Lyla's giggled then waved at me. "Bye, witch!! It was nice to meet you!" She winked at me then disappeared.

"Well, she's-" I was cut off by Miguel.

"An annoying hologram," Miguel mumbled then looked at me. "Now, back to you..." He eyed me up and down with devilish eyes. "You're a Spider-Witch cursed by your mother who then died with your father when you were twelve. You were left to rule with your sister who was only seven at the time. You carry around a magic...spellbook..." He looked at me in confusion, making me nod to assure him he was right. "Spellbook. But, how did you end up here, we've never had a Spider-Witch before," Miguel spoke confused.

"Well, that's an interesting story..." I chuckled softly then nervously rubbed my arm.

"Spill it. We have time," he said while crossing his arms.

"Well, um, uh, you-you see, well-"

"Aye, coño!" He hissed, cutting my stammering off. Miguel harshly took my arm and pushed me up against the wall. "Tell me, without you're stupid fucking shuddering, got it?" He commanded harshly and gripped my arm. I winced in pain and slowly nodded my head. "Good. Talk!" He let me go and crossed his arms again.

"This girl, Gwen Stacy, showed up in my universe after I casted this weird spell. It had just appeared in my spellbook and after I read it, she appeared. I answered some of her questions then she brought me here," I explained with a soft tone and rubbed the arm he had gripped afterwards.

Miguel growled after hearing my last scentance. "Aye...esa Gwen Stacy! Coño no puerdo más con ella..." Miguel mumbled and hissed in annoyance. He shook his head then looked at me. "You're staying for now, got it?"

"But my sister..." I mumbled softly.

Miguel's eyes finally softened and he sighed softly. "You'll have to stay for just now, okay? I need to sort this out..." Miguel softly looked at me, almost as if he was begging me to say okay.

"Yeah... Okay, I'll stay," I said softly.

"Thank you," he said calmly. Miguel took my arm and looked at the bruise he left. "I'll deal with this, just sit at my desk," he told me. He softly let my arm go then walked out his office.


To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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