Drabble #1

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Drabble: The Maysilee Thing

"Guess who?"

Katniss felt hands around her eyes as she chatted with her four friends, Johanna Mason, Madge Undersee, Annie Cresta and Delly Cartwright.

"Pillsbury Dough Boy?" Katniss pretended to ask as the other girls giggled. "Or maybe Gale Hawthorne?"

Peeta pulled his hands back abruptly and took his seat beside Katniss and Annie.

"Shush you." Peeta said, wagging his finger in Katniss's face.

"Aw, are you angry at me?" Katniss took Peeta's hand and squeezed it.

"I won't be if you give me a little kiss." Peeta smirked at his girlfriend.

Katniss leaned in and pressed her soft lips to Peeta's plump ones. He ran a hand down her bare arm as she nipped at his lips.

"Okay, lovebirds," Johanna said, crossing her arms. "That's not enough?"

Katniss pulled back and rolled her eyes playfully at Johanna. "Come on, Jo."

The other girls laughed again.

"Hi, girls!"

They were silenced as Maysilee Donnor hurried up to them, smiling widely.

Okay, now, maybe you want to know who's who, so I'll tell you real quick.

Katniss Everdeen is the queen bee. She controls everyone, but she makes it as discreet as possible, and makes sure everyone loves her. And that one person who is extremely in love with her -and vice versa- is Peeta Mellark. They have been dating since they were 14, and now they were 16. The other girls, Annie, Johanna, Delly & Madge, were Katniss's real best friends, the only four Katniss could trust with anything. And just now you may have noticed that Katniss mentioned a Gale Hawthorne. Gale Hawthorne was 17, just a year older than Peeta and Katniss, and has left high school. However, Gale had a major crush on Katniss when she was 15, and he was 16. Katniss did not like him back, never did. She stayed loyal to Peeta, but Peeta, being a normal boyfriend, became jealous, and Gale and Peeta built up a rivalry. Now whenever Katniss mentioned Gale, Peeta would be a little awkward but they would try to make up. And last but not least, let me tell you who is Maysilee Donnor.

She's beautiful, but not quite the queen bee Katniss is. And she has a thing for Peeta as well, making Katniss dislike her. She tried very hard to get Peeta to leave Katniss for her, so Katniss, instead of disliking her, despised her.

Now, let's get back to the story.

"What do you want, Maysilee?" Katniss asked tiredly.

"Well, you guys do know my father grows berries, right?" Maysilee asked, placing her tote on the table. "Today he plucked the strawberries, and I know how much Peeta loves strawberries, so I thought you should get the first taste, Peet."

Johanna gagged at her sickly sweet voice. Katniss shared a look of disgust with Delly. Madge rolled her eyes and Annie coughed, trying very hard not to start chortling.

Peeta, however, gave a polite smile and took the strawberry Maysilee held out to him. He bit into it to satisfy the redhead.

"They're very sweet," Peeta said. "Thanks, Maysilee."

She gave him a little wink, swiped her container of strawberries and tote off the lunch table, and sashayed off.

"I thought you should get the first taste," Katniss mocked. "Of my pussy."

Peeta looked shocked. The other girls burst out laughing at Katniss's statement and Peeta's reaction.

"What the shit!" Peeta said before chuckling as well.

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