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[ The Groom] - "For my addiction to your love, my sins and my actions. I love you my dead bride."

— We all have that perfect version of true love, our stories we share, our stories we spread, we spread our thighs open and let it fill us full. —

"We love, I love you my dear. But I have fallen an addict, and my addiction turned to your end. " — [The Groom]

"I feel the creature, I carry it on my back now, it's your corpse on my back, your dead on my lap, I wanted to kill you, I wanted to love you, I love you, I killed you" — [The Groom]

— Its intoxicating for some, ladies, gentlemen, animals and mutants, the most horrible of creatures, all fall possessed by this illusion of the perfect love story, we will all surrender, it consumes us like any other horrifying disease, it feasts on us. —

"It feasts on me, It kisses me, I feel I betrayed your trust, I like when that thing delivered that silent kiss, that lover night, but's you who kissed me?" — [Husband]

"Kiss me again, monster or bride, lover or corpse, answer me, kiss me all over again, with the taste of earthworms on your mouth."

—- Love, desire, obsession, possesion, they are all ways to describe that burning candle inside of every horrible being, I felt it, you have to, you perhaps haven't noticed but its feasting on your heart. —

"ANSWER ME" — [The Father]

—- With every sinner dream you will have, once the pale moon rises high, or you can be vulgar enough to desire by day light. —

"Remember me. I don't remember you, I wish I did, your name, our life, our death, till death do us part and our souls take." — [The man across the street watching you]

"We never had a wedding, or rings or laughs or cries, I only see us now as to lovers without knowledge of who we are." — [The pale creep outside looking in]

"Are you there my dear?" "I won't let you throw yourself out the widow, your not a bouquet" — [The window is open, but I cut your thighs open.]

— There is no limit to what you can do once that, dagger penetrates in your thoughts, those people. They are waiting for you. come and join them, and become one of those, infected. —

"Earn your place, love me, surrender to me, I could never hurt you, I killed you I just killed need to scream." — [At my door, both drunk one sober, or maybe...we where both. sober?, The two of us maybe numb].

"I feel your numb my dear, don't move, you never moved, your still sleeping, sleeping..but your a mess, such a mess, I ruined your wedding dress, but it's not wine that I spilled." "It's the wine inside you that pours out." —- [The lover or the killer]

—- Dance with death, embrace life, man, women, everything in between, we will all let love in, we will open our doors..we will spread open for that, horrible beast. —-

"Let's raise a toast, I live, you die, death never will keep us apart, not so alive, not so dead, how can that cold embrace hold tight to us two unique lovers?" — [Your dead, but I won't let my bride be held by another]

—- A horrible mutant that is love, long tongue, tall and pale, love is a women, love is a man, love is a beast that lays on the deepest parts of the bed sheets of your lingers on your chest, it makes us react, lust, anger, passion, we dont think in love..—

we would all sin for love, kill, violate, threaten. we will always fall for loves claws.

"That's our love, a parasite, an infection, a desease my bride, there exists no cure to my love for you, it's an ugly love, but it's love." — [Our love]


Letter to the police [if you find me] - Groom

"Its all fogged with your dead kiss, the cold air out my window, all this wine spilled, your wine, everywhere I step I have to be careful now, my neighbor knocking at my apartment door, your sleeping. You are, I'll cover you up, sleep with me tonight my dead wife." —

—- I once fell, and now I lay with a ghost on my bed, everything covered in red, the ghost of a pale women whispering sweet taunts to my ears, its all so..intoxicating, her cold embrace, her empty lips, I always keep my window open, she likes it that way, cold, silent..dead silent.—

—-I killed her once I opened the door to my room, room 563, there, she lays, dead onj my dead, her corpse, covered in red, with a bride dress, a red bride, my dead red bride, lays naked on my mind, the torment, the cold threats, its all so sweet, a sweet cold torturing kiss, she has me on her grasp. —

"I don't care to know the streets, or the city, I don't remember, or I don't care to remember, I moved here, now I have to go, or maybe I don't have to, you'll just have to travel with me, let's take a trip, let's start our lives as husband and the corpse of a bride." Find me police, I won't hide, but you will search and you will not find." —- [Are you searching through an apartment? A house, a room, white sheets, clean, Im not running, but you are still searching]

"Live with me..die with me, I won't let you leave me, you might not want this, but you don't complain for it, you don't tell me a single thing, I love your silence, but I need to hear you whisper your love to my ear." — [the unknown lover, the lost location of my room, burned away like the memories on my brain]

—- Victoria, Eloise, Athena...I cant remember what was her name, I cant remember what happend, how she lays on my bed, cold corpse, cold body with such a warm embrace, I can hear her, can you do to? —-

"Very sweetly my name she screams, while I rest with her that night, she opened her doors, I forced them open — [Sign: The unknown lover]

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