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hi, I miss you

Aww, you do?

What are your favourite ships from SGE (RP and not RP)?

uhhh in RP, let me see... perhaps the whole mini situationship with Midas and Rafal? It's honestly so funny. Also Rafal x his admin. My admin isn't really in love with me, sadly. Not like we're each other's type.

In the story, every hot guy and I. Obviously, except Vulcan. And mAyBe Tedros, but hear me out! If Tedros stayed kinda evil, I could have ruled the world with him instead of Sophie. My brother can have her lol, she betrayed me :') With my influence, Tedros could have been better than a whiny little blond.

Rafal with James (although I kinda stole him so..) and maybe, just maybe, Midas, but I chose him first.

My brother with Sophie. I bet she wouldn't destroy the ring when he's around. I hope she never finds out either, because she might actually try to start a relationship with my brother *sobs*

Evelyn Sader x hell

And if I'm not mistaken my son had something with Aric, my second in command? That is interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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