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Recommended Songs:
*This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory*
**Is This Falling? by Charlie Bennet**
***High Enough by K.Flay***

Recommended you read in dark mode but you do you boo

This takes place in a normal universe. The lame-ass universe you and I both have to deal with on a daily basis. can you imagine -_-


Rain falls leaving its trademark on the windows of your room. The air is slightly stuffy and your puffy eyes match due to the amount of crying you've been doing today. It wasn't supposed to end like it did. It shouldn't have. Your answer, as always

 You hadn't thought about him in the past month but he just couldn't leave you in peace, could he? He always had to have the last say. 

"Hey..." that's how it always started

Hmp funny...

 you missed it, his voice that is. How it would crack every time you made him laugh. The way his eyes glistened in the presence of daylight and how it darkened when the sunset. You missed him. Of course, you did. Who wouldn't miss the dumbass

A narcissistic dumbass...  but he was yours. He always has been. Regardless of what he's ever done or said to you. He was still yours.
You know that and so does he

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now but... I've been thinking about you,"

The same line after every argument. 

The same line after he's chosen something over you 

The same line you accept after repeatedly excusing him

"I'm just calling to check up on you. You haven't called back in a few days and it's starting to worry me..." 

Gojo Fucking Satoru. If he was with you right now he would have laughed and made his usual lame joke "Don't you mean fucking Gojo Satoru,"


 An idiot that you loved. God did you love that idiot. You never understood why he put you through what he did. You should have let him go after this. You really should've. You shouldn't have opened that damned voicenote. You shouldn't still be listening to it.

"heh, what am I saying? I'm sure you're safe. Of course, you are. I- I just missed you, but you probably already know that don't you," 

But you are, knowing full well that he's in front of your building staring up at your balcony from across the street, waiting for you. You are, as you cry into your arms letting the voicenote play out loud in your now cold home. He always did know how to get you back. You could hear the sad smile that he wore whilst he spoke to you. It broke your heart.

You know that you should forget about him and all that makes him Satoru. His glistening white hair, his gentle kisses and his blazing azure blue eyes.

He knows that he's yours and you know it too. He knows that you will always pick him. That you always find your way into his arms. That you would always pick him over every aching muscle in your body screaming no. That's the principle of it, isn't it? Being inlove.

You will always love Satoru and you would always go back to him. 

But not this time...

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