Healing Hearts: Meeting Aditya

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He seemed curious. "Roommate?" I answered patiently, "Well, the staff told me about you being my roommate, so yeah." Aarav seemed excited. "Oh wait! It's you! Finally, you're here! Thankfully, now I won't be alone at night being a scaredy-cat." I laughed at his joke and responded jokingly, "Well, then you can hug me at night, though." We both started laughing. In the midst of our laughter, he asked me, "Are you good at playing basketball? For me, I'm just here for the development of skills in my sportsmanship." I replied, "Well, I'm a professional basketball player and have won more than 50 awards in matches." Judging by his surprised reaction, it was clear that my response caught him off guard.

Aarav exclaimed, "Then please teach me the ways of basketball, my master!" in a playful manner, kneeling down to indicate his respect, jesting about me becoming his new coach. Playing along, I joined in the joke, grabbed his shoulders, and lifted him up, saying, "I will definitely teach you."

After the break, the moment arrived when the coach was about to conduct the gameplay test to evaluate everyone's capabilities. Aarav and I were sitting on a corner bench of the court, observing our teammates giving their best in the game and awaiting our turn.

Suddenly, Aarav excitedly waved at someone in the distance. I looked in the direction he was waving and saw two girls. One of them waved back at Aarav, and the other girl caught my attention. The wind was gently blowing on her face, making her hair flow gracefully in the air, accentuating her beauty. I found myself captivated by her until the coach called my name, snapping me back to reality. It was my turn to step onto the court and showcase my skills.

Radhika's Pov
Finally, the day's lectures were over. Visakha and I were exhausted from our first day of regular classes. As we made our way back to our room, Visakha mentioned that Aarav had participated in the basketball course, and she wanted to go there to support him. Being a good friend, I agreed to accompany her.

Within 15 minutes, we reached the basketball court. In the distance, we spotted Aarav sitting on the bench. Visakha, excited, waved at him. Meanwhile, my attention was fixated on the boy sitting next to Aarav. He had a charming and handsome presence. Our eyes were locked in a brief moment until the coach called him, breaking the enchanting gaze.

Visakha took hold of my hand and guided me closer to Aarav, sitting beside him. Visakha and Aarav engaged in conversation, while I continued to admire the boy playing so effortlessly, displaying skills akin to a professional basketball player. The way he dribbled the ball was mesmerizing. Lost in my admiration, I was abruptly brought back to reality when Visakha and Aarav started cheering enthusiastically for him.

Feeling a little playful, I grabbed Visakha's ear and whispered, asking if she knew him. She responded, "Well, I don't, but just now Aarav told me that he's his new roommate, so I'm cheering for him." With that knowledge, Visakha and Aarav continued their cheers for the talented boy. After a few minutes, the coach appreciated the boy's performance, prompting Visakha and Aarav to approach him. Visakha, with her usual enthusiasm, pulled me along to meet this remarkable young man.

As we approached the court, I could feel my heart racing. Meeting new people has always made me a bit nervous. Visakha, on the other hand, was bubbling with excitement.

Aarav introduced us, "Aditya, meet my friends, Radhika and Visakha. Radhika, Visakha, meet Aditya Sharma, my new roommate and apparently a basketball wizard!"

Aditya smiled warmly and greeted us, "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Radhika, ever the vivacious one, couldn't hold back her enthusiasm, "That was an amazing performance! Your basketball skills are truly impressive."

Aditya chuckled modestly, "Thank you! I've been playing for quite some time."

Aarav chimed in, "And guess what? He's won more than 50 awards in basketball matches!"

Visakha's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, that's incredible! You must be a basketball prodigy."

Aditya shrugged humbly, "I just love the game and have worked hard to improve."

As we engaged in conversation, I noticed the ease with which Aditya interacted. He was friendly, approachable, and had a genuine passion for basketball. It was evident that Aarav and Aditya had already formed a strong bond as roommates.

Aarav, always the joker, grinned mischievously, "Hey Aditya, if you're this good at basketball, you should consider coaching me and becoming the team captain!"

Aditya laughed, "Sure, I'd be happy to help out. Team captain or not, we're all here to improve and enjoy the game."

We spent the rest of the practice session cheering for our newfound friend. Aditya's talent on the court was undeniable, and it was inspiring to watch him play.

As the day wound down and the sun began to set, we bid Aditya and Aarav farewell and headed back to our room. As night fell and our hostel room became a sanctuary, Visakha and I settled in after a day of excitement and basketball. We sat at our desks, bathed in the soft glow of the room's light, ready to share our thoughts about the day.

"You know, Visakha," I began, my face lighting up with a subtle smile, "there's something special about Aditya. He's not just a remarkable basketball player but also has this genuine warmth about him. It's refreshing."

Visakha nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Absolutely. It's not just about the awards he's won. There's humility and passion in his eyes when he talks about basketball. He's the kind of person you feel comfortable around instantly."

We continued to discuss Aditya, the young man who had left an indelible mark on us both. The more we spoke about him, the more I realized how drawn I was to his enthusiasm and dedication for the sport. It was as if his commitment to basketball mirrored my own determination to pursue my dreams.

As our conversation wove through various aspects of the day, Aditya's presence remained in my thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder about the intriguing boy with the mesmerizing basketball skills and the humility that accompanied them. I found myself looking forward to getting to know him better, to understand the person behind the talent.

At that moment, a wave of gratitude washed over me. I was thankful for this unique opportunity, for the chance to meet exceptional individuals like Aditya, and for the promise of new friendships blossoming in this exciting journey through high school. As sleep gradually claimed us, I silently hoped for more wonderful encounters and the magic that each new day might bring.

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