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"This is definitely my year Henderson," Eddie said as his eyes closed slowly for the last time.

Or that's what everyone thought including Eddie himself.

At the wake they held for Eddie they all thought it was weird that Wayne wasn't that upset.

Wayne stood near the back and whispered "Time to wake up my beautiful boy".

"Mr. Munson the train will be arriving soon it's time to wake up" came a voice making Eddie slowly open his eyes.

The first thing he saw was an older woman with spectacles and a witch's hat on.

"Where am I" Eddie asked, shocked at the sound of his own voice.

"You are on the Hogwarts Express Mr. Munson. You're dad brought you to platform 93/4 this morning don't you remember?" the woman asked, looking at him confusingly.

"What is the Hogwarts Express?" Eddie asked, more confused than ever.

The woman looked at him sadly and just told him to stay where he was and hurried off to another car.

Eddie watched her go and leaned back and wondered if this was some version of purgatory or something like that.

Getting restless Eddie decided to stand up and gasped as he realized he was a lot shorter than before.

"What the fuck is going on" Eddie yelled not caring who heard.

A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes approached him and smirked.

"Why are they allowing so many mudbloods this year?" the boy said, his British accent as thick as the woman.

Before Eddie could respond a girl with brown hair and the most stunning brown eyes approached the bratty kid from behind and whispered something making the kid paler than before and they both took off to another cart.

Eddie was more confused than ever and continued his trek through the train.

As he entered another car he saw three kids sitting together.

One of the boys had black hair and green eyes and a weird scar-shaped birthmark on his forehead, the second boy had red hair and blue eyes with freckles and the young lady with them had brown curly hair and brown eyes a lot like him.

Eddie went over to the group and asked "Hey can I sit with you guys"?

"Of course you can. My name is Hermoine and the redhead is Ron and Harry is the one with the scar," Hermione said as a crimson red flushed her dark skin.

Eddie smiled and slid in next to her.

"I've never met an American," Ron said as he tore open a wrapper in front of him and stuck what looked like a brown frog in his mouth as he looked at the moving cards in front of him.

"I've never met a British person, do you all eat frogs," Eddie asked intrigued.

Ron and Harry started to laugh until Hermione shot them a stern look.

"These are magicked chocolate frogs, Eddie. They aren't alive, the magic makes them move to entertain young kids like those two. Did you not grow up around magic"? Hermione asked.

Eddie was about to explain everything that happened when the train lurched and came to a stop.

"We can't be at Hogwarts yet," Hermione said looking out the window.

"Sorry for the unplanned stop but there's something in the tracks. As soon as it clears we will continue on" came the voice of the train conductor over the loudspeakers.

Suddenly the shades on the windows came down and no matter how hard they tried they couldn't get them open.

"Someone is dead out there" came a voice Eddie had heard before. He looked over and saw the blonde-haired boy from earlier.

"I hear they look like a crumpled-up dead spider. Probably some dumb Muggle who got in the way of a true wizard" the boy said and looked like he was going to say more but he saw Eddie and with a wave of his hand he and his group took off.

"Why are they afraid of me?" Eddie asked sadly.

"Slytherins are strange," Hermione said, placing a hand on Eddie's shoulder.

"If that's how that person died then it wasn't a wizard it was something worse," Eddie said to no one.

The other three watched his face grow dark and as the train lurched and continued on Eddie just sat quietly gazing out the window.

The others sat quietly respecting Eddie's needing to have quiet.

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