Wave Arc

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Timeskip 1 month
After a series of uneventful D-rank missions. Team 7 are fed up with the missions they received so far.

At hokage tower
"Now... Team 7 your next duty is... hmm.... Babysitting an alder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and help with the potato digginin." The Hokage listed

Cut the crap. Give us a better mission. I had enough of these stupid chores. " Toji glared

"I agree." Sasuke

I knew this day come sooner or later' Kakashi sighs

"You are just rookies, everyone starts off with the simple duties and works their way up!!!" Iruka screams at Sakura

"Doing chores is no helps to us!!! We can't develope our technique, if we keep this going on!!" Sakura screams back

"I agree with Sakura. If we keep doing these missions we will never become stronger" Sasuke

"It's seems I have to explain to you what these duties are all about." The Hokage starts

"Listen, everyday the village receives numerous request, from babystting to assaination. Each request is written down on the lists and devided into an A,B,C and D ranking based on the difficulty. The village is also divided based on the skill. Also started from hokage to the Jou-, Chuu- and Ge-nins." The Hokage continued his speak

"The missions are then handed out by us at the top to ninjas based on ther abilities and if the duty is completed successfully we receive payment from the client. And because you guys just recently became Genin.... D-rank missions are perfect for you.

Toji walked to a wall in the office and proceeded to punch a hole hole in it.

"Just give us the mission old man." Toji said glaring

''Naruto and Kakashi can handle a C-rank but Sakura and Sasuke.." Hiruzen thought

"Kakashi do you think they are ready for a C-Rank Mission" Hiruzen

"I believe they are. If any trouble comes I will handle it"Kakashi

"Ok if you want it that much.... I'll give you a C-rank mission It's a protection mission for a certain individual." The Hokage said

The door opens and..

"Team 7 meet Tazuna" Hiruzen

"So this the team who is going to protect me. These three brats and him. The brats look like they won't be much of use" Tazuna

"This Guy!!! How dare he insult me and Sasuke-kun .I'll kill him!!" Sakura shouts and want to strike him, but Kakashi holds her back.

"Calm down Sakura he is the one we are going to protect, what's the point if we kill him?" Kakashi said

"Well I am the super expert brige builder Tazuna, I expect you to provide me super protection until I get back to my country and complete the bridge." Tazuna said

"Okay team let's meet at the gate tomorrow. Bring your equipment and pack necessary food and other things you will need" Kakashi

Timeskip next day

At the gate

"Let's go" Kakashi said as they leave

"Am I really safe with you guys??" Tazuna asks

"Don't worry I'm a Jounin" Kakashi replys

"Ummm... Tazuna-san?" Sakura asks

What?" Tazuna

"Well you're from the Wave country right? Do you have ninjas in your country?"Sakura

''Of course they do pinky. Why else would Tazuna come to our village for help ." Toji said with sarcasm

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