The Alchemax Experience

Start from the beginning

"What the hell!?" Miles exclaimed, backing up a bit.

"How are you doing that?" Peter was noticeably calmer, his 'Can't be asked' attitude on full display.

"Long story. We don't have time." (Y/N) was noticeably peeved from the use of the powers.

"Exactly. You guys can teach me how to swing on the way there." Miles excitedly backed (Y/N).

"Oh, we'll swing alright." Peter smiled at Miles.


Miles sat in the back of the bus with an unimpressed look on his face.

Peter sat beside him, while (Y/N) and Gwen sat a few seats ahead, Gwen taking a nap, using (Y/N)'s shoulder as a pillow.


'If you don't shut up about this, I'm legitimately going to cook you.'


(Y/N) grunted as he looked down towards Gwen's sleeping figure. A stray strand of blonde hair was on her face, which (Y/N) gently pushed away, his fingers stopping on the soft skin of her cheeks.

Gwen's eyes fluttered open upon the touch. She leaned into the touch and closed her eyes, getting more comfortable.

As much as (Y/N) wanted to be angry at Gwen, the subtle smile on her face as she held him close made him forget about everything.

He, too, relaxed into the seat, something which he hadn't done for some time.


Peter removed his jacket and pulled on his mask, electing to keep the sweatpants on. Miles suited up besides him...

Well, 'suited' up, more like.

His cheap Spider-Man costume was not his size, nor was his mask, which was haphazardly kept from falling with only one string.

Gwen meditated a bit to the right, her glowing eyes and floating with her legs folded freaked Miles out, but he didn't say anything in fear of getting turned into a frog.

(Y/N) was hung upside down on one of the trees, a binocular in his hands, as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

And thankfully for the Spiders, it was exactly as he remembered back home, meaning, he knew his way around the entire facility.

"Right. Here's the deal..." (Y/N) looked at Gwen as he dropped to the ground, throwing a web towards her to break her concentration. "...Gwen."

Gwen caught the web with her hands, her feet slowly touching the ground.

She suppressed her annoyance at the act and moved closer to the group.

"The compound is large. We'll have to split up. Also..." He looked at Peter specifically, "No noise, the people will be on lunch right now if the timings are the same as my universe."

"Right, so, Here's the plan." Peter stole the show and started to detail his plan. "Step One, I infiltrate the base. Step Two, I find the head scientist's base."

"Step three, you find a bagel." (Y/N) smirked under his mask as he saw Peter's eyes light up.

To Peter... it was as if he was back in High School... the two best friends' banter involving guessing what the other was going to say. Ah... The good old days, before (Y/N) ruined his life.

"Ding Ding! Yes. I find a bagel, and then we get out of there." Peter skipped over the fine details of the plan.

Gwen looked at Peter with an unimpressed look on her face, "And pray tell, what we-" She gestured at herself and (Y/N), "Will do?"

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now