Chapter 1

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"Ugh, honestly, Meliodas is such a perv even towards the very end. I seriously don't understand what Elizabeth sees in him," a silver haired girl sighed, grimacing at the antics of her friend. Her obsidian eyes narrowed in mild distaste, the silver crescent moons replacing her pupils partially hiding from view. "Did he have to announce my three sizes as a 'goodbye memory' to everyone there?"

"At least he saves the groping for only Elizabeth. If he tried to pull the moves on you..." a raven-haired boy growled, slightly flexing his fingers menacingly. His silver eyes were ablaze, his starry pupils a menacing black.

"Elizabeth would have to arrange a funeral, not a wedding," the girl nodded.

Despite their harsh words, they secretly chuckled in their minds. They were both well aware that no matter how much of a pervert their friend - or more, brother figure - was, he had only eyes for his beloved. The three sizes thing was a jest to distract everyone from their tears as the twins left that world.

"We're finally going home, Lucifer..." the girl murmured, gazing ahead at the galactic view spreading before them as they traveled between worlds.

"I hope that Rex and Venti haven't forgotten about us, Lilith," Lucifer nodded.

"We made them those flowers! If they forget about us despite that, they're in for a loooooooong lecture," Lilith pouted.

"Merlin sure trained you in the arts of magic and long lectures," Lucifer teased.

"Merlin is such a sweetheart... She researched our powers for the whole thousand years we were in Brittania and made us a magic item that lets us teleport to another world without using our own reserves! We can make a round trip every thousand years!" Lilith rambled excitedly, then frowned. "Too bad the item is only one-time use..."

"She only had enough time to make one. I'm sure that she will have more ready when we go back," Lucifer reassured her.

"We can travel around the universe as much as we want! I'm so glad we chose Brittania all those years ago," Lilith sighed happily.

"It really was a stroke of good luck... Lilith! Look, I think I can see the exit!" Lucifer cried out, pointing.

Lilith gasped with excitement, grasping her brother's hand tightly as they ran towards the shimmering gates of Teyvat, their world of three thousand years and where their home was. A dragon, a goddess, a wind spirit... and a Yaksha. Lilith balled up her free fist tightly, vowing in her mind, I'm back, Alatus... Once we're there, I won't waste any time hunting you down and freeing you.

They approached the familiar white marble doors, a sight they hadn't seen since they left a thousand years ago. With a nod to each other, each twin placed a hand upon a door and pushed.


"Men! Don't let the enemies past the gates!" a man's urgent voice was the first to reach the twins' ears before the deafening clamor of battle drowned it out.

"What the-" Lilith spat out before summoning Gladius Lunae, stopping a man's sword in its tracks.

"Who the hell are you?!" the man demanded before Lilith ruthlessly pushed him backwards and decapitated him with an effortless swing.

"That's my line," she grumbled as she flicked off the blood distastefully.

"Why is Guili under attack...?" Lucifer pondered, crouching besides the corpse. "This isn't a bandit, that's for sure. What the hell happened while we were gone?"

"First order of business, we find Rex or Venti or both, preferably both," Lilith replied urgently, taking control of the situation. "Luci, I need you to head towards our ruins. Hopefully those two still visit and are there. I'll search the battlefield and see if there's someone smart enough to still their sword long enough to listen to reason."

I Always Come Back For What's Mine (Genshin Impact: Xiao x OC)Where stories live. Discover now