Chapter 1!!!!!

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Duolingo, the nerdy, quiet, "not like other owls", was walking through the school halls on a random morning. That is when he saw the dashing, charismatic man Heeseung walking. He had fallen straight for his big brown orbs, looking fiercely . He had been so distracted in fact, that he didn't realise that he was now standing in the middle of the hall, causing Heeseung to bump into them and both of them fell. "Oh man, i'm sorry, here let me help you." He said, looking straight into the green bird. Duolingo fell for him even more, esp knowing that he was a kind gentleman like this. "You seem cool! What's your name?" The kind gentleman asked, giving the owl all the stuff he has dropped. "Thanks, and it's Duolingo, you can call me Duo." He said, stuttering a lot. "Oh! That's a nice name, i'm Heeseung." He says, with an amazing smile. Suddenly the bell rang, upsetting both of them. "Well i'll see you later then. Duo?" He said, making Duo blush like never before. "Yes, t-t-t-t-talk to you later". After Heeseung left, Duo stood there looking down at his things. 'Heeseung... touched them....' Was all he thought about as he started heading to class.

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