-chapter 1|unplanned encounters-

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The concert had been a success. The crowd had swayed, sang, and cheered as Taylor's voice had soared through the vast arena. As the final notes of her last song faded into the night, she stood on stage, a mix of relief and exhilaration washing over her. The applause was deafening, and the rush of adrenaline was like a sweet, familiar embrace.

As the encore concluded and she took her final bow, Taylor made her way backstage, where her team was already bustling with the task of wrapping up the show. Amid the celebration and congratulations, she couldn't help but wonder if Travis had been able to find her in the midst of the sea of fans.

Just as she was about to inquire, her publicist, Tree, appeared with a wide grin on her face. "Taylor, you were amazing! And there's someone here who'd like to meet you."

"Who?" Taylor asked, her curiosity piqued.

Tree pointed toward a tall figure standing by the backstage entrance. It was him, Travis, the Kansas City Chiefs' star football player. He had a welcoming smile on his face and an air of confidence about him. His presence drew the attention of everyone in the room, but for Taylor, it was as if they were the only two people there.

With a mix of excitement and a tinge of nervousness, Taylor approached him. "Travis, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, extending her hand.

Travis shook her hand warmly. "The pleasure is all mine, Taylor. Your performance was incredible. I've been a fan of your music for a long time."

Taylor blushed, not accustomed to hearing such praise in person. "Thank you, Travis. I never expected to see you at my concert. How did you even know I was performing here?"

He chuckled, his brown eyes twinkling. "Well, a friend of mine mentioned your show, and I couldn't pass up the chance to experience your music live. I have to say, it exceeded all my expectations."

Tree, seeing that they were getting along, discreetly excused herself to give them some privacy.

As they chatted about the concert, music, and football, it became evident that there was a genuine connection between them, a spark that neither had anticipated. They found themselves sharing stories, laughing at each other's anecdotes, and enjoying each other's company.

Before they knew it, the backstage area had mostly cleared out, and it was time for Taylor to freshen up and leave the venue. Travis asked, "Are you hungry? I know a great place nearby where we can grab a late dinner."

Taylor hesitated for a moment, considering her packed schedule. But then she smiled, a glimmer of spontaneity in her eyes. "I'd love to. Lead the way."

Little did they know that this impromptu dinner would be the start of an unexpected journey, one that would take them far beyond the worlds of music and sports, and into the uncharted territory of a budding relationship.

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