Pt. 1

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Y/n -

All my life I have been living in a very small town called Inns-wood. The population is only 3,529. My mother and father have also grew up here so we pretty much know a lot of people at this point.

There is only a couple more weeks until my 15th birthday and I could not be more excited.

It's not the fact that I am turning older, it's because I share the same birthday with the boy next door.

The boy next door name is (h/n) it's not like an obsession or anything. It's just that we have so much in common, our birthday, our age, our music taste, and some other small things.

I have liked other boys in the past but not as much as h/n, and I really don't understand why we don't really talk anymore.

Just so Yk me and h/n used to be very close for when we were babies til the 5th grade but then h/n started to gain popularity at the start of middle school. But me, not so much.

But I kinda prefer to eat lunch with just my one friend, Kate. She is kinda like me. We eat lunch together everyday and stuff but we don't really hangout outside of school.

What also sucks is that basically every girl in school thinks that h/n is a total babe. But another reason on why I like him so much is that he doesn't date a lot.

But now that ur all kinda caught up let's get on with the boy next door.


(Still y/n pov)

It is currently 1:15 pm, 8th prd. Science class. I absolutely despise this class. I mean I like the subject just not how Mr. Gilbert teaches.

I pretty much zoned out the rest of class and thank God there was no homework.

9th prd I had study hall with the one and only h/n. He kind of fooled around with his group in class and acting kinda dumb which was just one of his icks of mine. In study hall we didnt really have a teacher we had a student helper which was just there for funzies ig.

On the walk home a leaf started to fall to the ground right infront of me. I love fall. The candle scents, the weather, the movies, just everything.

But that was not the only thing I noticed. On the other side of the non busy road I had seen h/n walking with a girl. And they were laughing. My smile slowly faded away from my face.

And ofc he was walking away home one of the prettiest girls in school, Lorelei. And ofc her name is perfect, everything about her is. What a bitch tbh. But ig i should not say that bc she hasn't really hasn't don't anything to me.


H/n pov -

After study hall ended I was walking through the hallway, per usual. And then Lorelei came up to me "heyyy h/n, where ya goin" she says smiling while interlinking her arm with mine. "Oh hi Lorelei, how are you?"

Lorelei was known to be one of the prettiest girls in school but I didn't really see it. It's not that she's ugly, it's just that her ego is though the roof and that's kind of unattractive to me.

"I'm good h/n, so good in fact I was gonna ask you if you can walk me home td." She says while stopping me in my tracks.

"Ofc I will, it's not that far from my house let's go" I say to Lorelei as we walk out of school

While me and Lorelei are walking to her house I see y/n walking on the other side of the road. I have always wondered why she always walks alone. While I was looking at y/n ig i zoned out bc Lorelei kept on repeating my name.

"H/n? H/n? H/n!?" Lorelei says getting irritated. "Oh hey sorry I zoned out, keep going I'm listening." I say to her with a faint smile.

"Ok so-..." Lorelei started to speak again but I just zoned her voice out in my head and pretended I was paying attention bc she kept of blabbering about all her "girls friends" drama.

I was on my way home after dropping Lorelei at her house and I see y/n getting mail from her mail box. But as I walked up to her to try and tried to make a small conversation, she sees me and grabs the rest of her mail and starts to walk into her house before I could even get a word out.

Was y/n mad at me? I mean I know we don't talk a lot but we aren't in bad terms. I grab mail from my mailbox and head inside.

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