heh :) level one

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So this has been a fic I have beenby thinking on and I saw- NOBODY ELSE HAS DONE THIS (For villain deku) and I was sad but I decided I should write it!

Izuku midoriya or most known as the number one villain. He was the most DANGEROUS villain to EVER exist.. although he had never hurt a hero (exept for the ones who clearly deserved it) or civilian (minus the really bad ones).

He had no big criminal record, he was like stain but he targeted other villains and traffickers along with rapists and pedophiles. He did bad things for good reasons.

But the hero commission didn't see that, no they saw a villain who kills and had no feelings. He was the number one villain for apperingly... no real reason!

He was such a good person but nobody knew that. Nobody acknowledged his good deeds, nobody acknowledged his feelings or attempts to be better.

He was just a heartless villain... right?

That's all he was.. right?

Because I recall him only being identified as a heartless monster!


Sorry... i got a bit carried away there. I just really want justice... even for villains (not for pedophiles, traffickers, rapists, racist people, abusers, homophobes, ect...) I think that villains arnt born...

Their made.. I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this...

But... then something happend..

Something that suprised me.

Izuku was on the roof like always, so nothing out of the ordinary. He was on gaurd and tense but was relatively calm. He hears...people behind him

He gets up and stares directly at the heros stareing at him. He did not move, he did not break eye contact he just stood there. Mic looks at him concerned.

"Hello?" Mic asks and izuku backs up as he makes sure nobody was around him or behind him. "Okay, calm down. We just want to talk" midnight explains and smiles softly.

Aizawa looked more concerned than the others, odd. "Listen. We won't try to catch you or anything just wait for a bit." aizawa says softly. Izuku wasn't for a second going to trust a bunch of heros.

He takes another step back and steps off the ledge falling into a portal below him..


he falls onto the floor of his base and gets up.

"BRAT, I have a test for you" Shigarki says with a sadistic tone. 'Oh no..' izuku thought but follows him into a room. "Lay on the table" he barks and izuku Nods.

Izuku lays down and Shigarki straps him down. He presses a button and smirks as izuku passes out...

that was the last thing he remembered before waking up in his middle school bathroom..

He curls up into a ball and covers his ears out of pure fear..

Izukus pov-

I recognize this place. 'I dont like it here! I can't relive this! I can't! I can't! I can't! I cant- ' the door to the bathroom opens and I see my bullies approach me.

"Please..." I whimper and feel one of them grab me by my hair "you little whore, you can't keep your mouth shut!" I feel the person punch my throat.

My eyes widen and i start to wheeze. I grab my throat but another one of the bullies grab my wrists and hold them above my head.

I wheeze and gasp in fear as he touches me and my body shakes. I whine loudly and uncontrollably from pure fear. I sob and relive the horrors that led me to villainy.

I feel them hold me down and touch me, I whine louder and faster from my fear growing. Tears pour down my face and I hear a belt un-clip.

The tears pour faster and my body shakes uncontrollably. I whine louder from fear and I feel the leather hit my bare back

I cry out and leather and metal hits me over and over and over. I beg them to stop but they just kept going. I started to see blood on the belt and going everywhere.

I feel someone stomp on my back and I cough blood, I feel a knife cut my back badly, I feel my back get split by the knife and stab my arm.

I feel them stop and my body goes limp on the ground. I whimper and wheeze as I'm unable to breathe correctly.

The bullies were gone and this whole thing repeated for days upon end. Until I had just been finished getting the same thing. I back up into the corner and I try to calm down... somthing was off though..

3rd person prospective with the heros-

They watch as ghost fell off the ledge. Aizawa sprints to the ledge and looks down not seeing anyone. "Fuck!" Midnight says and growls frustratedly.

"Goddamnit.." aizawa grumbles and sighs concerned. "He's gone.." mic says sadly. "Hello?" They hear a voice ask. They turn and see a woman. Aizawa gets in a defensive position along with the others

"I mean you know harm, I come to you with a proposal" the woman says. "I'm listening" midnight says in her usual flirtatious voice "you seem to care about the villain ghost" she states.

"What about it" mic growls "would you like to learn more about him?" The woman asks. "What are you playing at?" Aizawa asks monotonously.

"I can send you into his past" she states with a smile. "I don't trust you" mic says. "Well you don't have a choice now do you?" She asks sadisticly and snaps her fingers.

They dissapear and the woman looks at you. "Reader I hope you like this because im on a goddamn budget" she says and she turns into the one and only ME!

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