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Cali Aaron loved her dad more then anything on this world. After her mother left them, when she was just a baby, Chris Aaron was a man that thought Cali everything she knows. And she couldn't be more gratefull. So when her dad one day sat her down, and told her how he plans to marry another woman and that they plan to live in her house, she only asked how much time she has to pack her stuff.

She was beyond happy that her dad finally found someone. And she loved Catherine, it was obvious that Catherine adored her father so much.

But, still she would lie if she said she didn't have any problems adjusting to their new life. She was so used to it just being her and her dad, in their home. And this new place just didn't feel like her home, of course it was a beautiful house, but to her it was just a place where she sleeps.

She would often find herself studying the walls off her new bedroom. Catherine told her that it was her daughters old bedroom, but that she moved years ago. Older woman would often bring up her daughter, and Cali was curious.

From the storys she knew that Catherines' daughter was quiet older then her, and that she moved to USA to go to college. There she fell in love and started new life, but everything else was a mystery.

Cali could only imagine who the girl was, girl who once lived in a room with two walls pastel pink and two walls pastel blue. Sometimes she wondered if her new place in New York also had pastel walls or she started to prefer nude colors when she got older. And she would never admit it, but she kinda couldn't wait to meet other girl.

"Cali!" Her dad called from downstairs, and she was quick to get up from her bed and walked downstairs.

"Yes?" She asked softly as she watched  gray middle aged man standing at the bottom off the stairs.

Smile immediatly made it's way on his face, as soon as he saw her.

"Esme called and she's having a flight today. She should be here tomorrow early morning, so I was wondering if you have any plans or?" His voice was soft, but Cali could tell he was a bit nervous about meeting the young woman. He wanted to be accepted and Cali knew that, so she immediatly shooked her head.

"Nah, no plans. I'll stay here." She said with small smile and could see her dad let out a breath off relief.

"Okay, thank you." He said softly and gave her small smile. "You can go back, I'm sorry for distracting you if you were studying."

She smiled at that and shooked her head, she was trying to study but she just couldn't concentrate, so she ended up texting with her girlfriend.

"I wasn't, just texting with Astrid." She said softly and her dad smiled.

"Is she coming over?"

Cali loved that her dad had such a good bond with her girlfriend. After all Astrid was so long in their lifes that he started to look at her like at his second daughter. Which wasn't anything unusual considering two girls' were daiting for four years already.

"Maybe later." She answered and he smiled.

"Call my daughter in law for dinner." He teased causing her to chuckle and nodd her head before going back upstairs, and texting her girlfriend to come over.

On the other continet Esme was bussy packing the rest off her things into her suitcases. She knew she would be gone only for a month, but Esme White was woman off style, so she needed as much as clothing options as possible.

"Babe, it would be easier if I just shipped whole chloset to you." Her fiancee teased and wrapped her arms around Esmes' waist.

"Well it's a wedding, I need options." She said softly and shrugged her shoulders, causing other woman to laugh softly and nodd her head.

"Yeah, I understand." Camila said softly, and placed gentle kiss on her fiancees' cheek.

Esme smiled softly at that, before turning to face other woman. "You sure you can't come with me?'

She knew that they already had that conversation, and that they both decided it's better for Camila to stay in USA and take care off company. Esme didn't belive anyone else with her work but her fiancee, and she knew other woman was abel to keep the job going steady for a whole month. But she still wanted her there at the wedding, when her mother says 'yes' to another man.

Esme was happy for her mother, that she finally found someone. Considering it's been 11 years since her dad passed away and 10 years since she moved away to another end off the world. She was allways scared her mother would feel lonely, so at first she was trying to come back home every few months. But with years as her bussines grew it was harder and harder for her to get so much free time, so that she could sitt on the plane and fly all the way to Thailand. And she hated to admit that she haven't seen her mother in almost two years. They would hear every day too, and her mom was allways keeping her updated on whats happening. Lately main topic were Chris and his daughter. And Esme loved hearing about them, her mother sounded truly happy while talking about them.

But at same time she found herself feeling really nervous, realizing tomorrow she's going to meet her new family.

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