Class Trial #4 Part 2: Poison

Start from the beginning

"You can...explain it?" Hina repeated.

"Of course. If you don't mind..."

"Everyone, quiet! Shut up and listen to Master!" Jill ordered.

"But you're the only one talking..." Hiro muttered.

"The key to unlocking this mystery was hiding in the chem lab, up on the 4th floor," Byakuya started.

"Huh? Not in the rec room!? Then I could've found it all along!"

"No, you wouldn't because you gave up on searching the moment you were banned from the crime scene," I said while rolling my eyes.

"Well...yeah, good point..." Hiro agreed.

"There's a big shelving unit in the chem lab that houses a variety of mixtures and chemicals. And that's where I found...this." Byakuya pulled out a brown bottle with the label "CHEM C-9" on it.

"I-Is that...the poison!?" Hiro shrieked.

"It's not an especially powerful poison, but it'll still kill you if you drink an entire bottle. But the specific properties don't matter. What does matter, is where I found it."

"Where'd you find it?"

"The shelf is divided up into three sections--A, B, and C. In section A, dietary supplements; in B, reagents; and in C...a variety of lethal chemicals."

"And that's where the poison came from!? Section C!?" Jill asked.

"Well...that's the question, isn't it?"

"The poison was actually in Section A, wasn't it?" Makoto answered.

"Huh? But you just said that section A was for supplements or whatever..." Hiro reminded.

"Strange, isn't it? Why would there be a bottle of poison mixed in with all those nutritional additives?" Byakuya questioned.

"Yeah, so...why?" Hiro asked.

"Because the culprit switched it out, that's why," Byakuya stated.

"Switched it out?" I repeated.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Hina asked.

"I mean...this." Before any of us could react, Byakuya took the bottle, brought it to his lips, and began to drink from it.

"Huh? Master...!" Jill gasped.

I couldn't believe my eyes. We were so shocked at what we were seeing, all we could do was stand there and watch. But as if it were the most natural thing in the world, Byakuya was as calm as ever.

"Ugh, that tastes awful," Byakuya spat in disgust.

"Oh no! Master's in real trouble! You have to drink some water! You can't just swallow powder, it'll stick to your throat!" Jill panicked.

"Idiot! He just swallowed poison! We need to make him spit it out!" Hiro yelled.

"The flavor certainly makes me want to spit it out. What's so "high-quality" about this stuff...?" Byakuya asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Hiro asked.

"I'm talking about the protein, of course."

"Protein...?" Makoto gasped.

"Can I see that bottle for a second?" Kyoko requested.

"Ah, sure. Do whatever you like," Byakuya complied.

Kyoko took the bottle from Byakuya and scraped out a bit of the contents with one finger. She touched her finger to her tongue.

"This is... It's protein powder," Kyoko confirmed.

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