University (and) goals - FL32

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Part 7
First kiss after Fermin scores in a game

"So... did she forgive you?" Gavi asked. "Who's she?" Lamine asked. "Fermin's girlfriend" Gavi smirked. "Ooooo". "Yeah she did" Fermin narrowed his eyes at the Sevillan. "That means we'll meet her at the next game?" Lamine asked. "I already met her. She's pretty" Gavi teased his best friend. "I have to meet her to sign her t-shirt. Maybe she'll wear it at the next game" he grinned. Fermin felt something close to jealousy, but he brushed it off, focusing on the training.

"Hey" Fermin said when you climbed into his car. He texted you earlier if he could pick you up from University. "Hey. Training done?" You asked. "Yeah. Uni done?" He smirked. "No. I have to write a 10 page essay in 4 days" you pouted and Fermin swore he could've kiss you in that moment. "You're smart, I don't worry about it" he said, driving to your place. Unlike the night at the club, you took your time to admire the way he was driving, which was very hot, of course.

"Well thank you, Fermin" you said. "Wait, I actually have something for you" he said, picking up a bag after he opened the door for you. "Okay... you can give it to me" you said. "I'd rather give it to you when we're alone" he said, already on his way to your apartment. "Not like that" he said when he saw you scared and confused face. "So, what do you have for me, Mr. Mysterious?" You asked after taking your shoes off. "This. Look inside" he said, giving you the bag with the Barça logo.

"Tickets? For tomorrow's game? Are you serious?" You asked, jumping up and down and hugging him. "Yeah. In the family box" he said. "And you have a little something to wear too" he said. "Your t-shirt?" You smirked. "I wanted to wear Gavi's. Maybe get him to sign it" you said teasingly. "Not funny" he said, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Thank you, Fermin. I'll be there" you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He immediately turned red, trying to hide it from you, which made you giggle. "I hope you score" you whispered. "I hope I score for you" he said, pulling away from the hug. "I guess you can't stay over. You gotta be fresh tomorrow" you said, picking at your nails. "Yeah... but I'll see you tomorrow okay? Text me when you're there, maybe we can see each other before the game" he said. "Meet all the boys" he said quietly. "So you told them" you stated. "I had no choice. They started bombarding me with questions and—". "It's okay. I'm okay with it. Can't wait to meet them" you said, reassuring him. "Should I bring Gavi's t-shirt? Maybe he can sign it" you teased and he gave you a look saying Are you serious right now?. "Okay, I won't. Pinkie promise" you said and locked your pinkie with his. "I better go. Goodnight, Y/N" he said, hugging you one last time. "Night Fermin. Sleep well" you smiled. With you. I would sleep well with you in my arms, Fermin wanted to say, but he thought better of it. He didn't even know what status you two had right now. Guess he'll find out tomorrow.

—— day of the game ——
"Shit, she's here" Fermin said, feeling more nervous because you were here. It should've been the other way around.
"Who's here?" Half the boys asked. "Fermin's girlfriend" Gavi grinned.
"Fermin's got a girl?"
"I didn't know!"
"So... who wants to come with me and meet her?" Fermin asked. "Me duh" Gavi said. "You already did, cabron" Lamine said. "So? I want to say hi to my friend" Gavi replied. "Friend? You're friends?" Fermin asked incredulously. "Yeah cabron. Now let's go" Gavi said.

"So this is Lamine, Pedri, Alejandro and Gavi, your friend" Fermin made the introductions. "Nice to meet you" you smiled kindly. "I didn't know Fermin's got a girlfriend. I was so shocked" Ale said. "But in a good way" Pedri butted in. After you exchanged some info on the game, Fermin "stole" you from the group. "Hey. I hope you're not nervous because I'm here" you said when you noticed him playing with his fingers. "No, I'm not, just... I was nervous for the boys to meet you" he said. "They're so nice, don't worry about it" you said, taking his hand in yours. "I'm still waiting for that goal" you tried to cheer him up, make him think of the game. "Yeah, I promised, didn't I?" He said. "I know, I know" you said, hugging him. "Come on, Fermin, we gotta go" Gavi said. "Good luck" you whispered, kissing his cheek.

You made your way to the family boxes, after asking some security guards about the way there, and you were relieved that there weren't many families. "Hi! You must be Fermin's girlfriend" a girl seated with her boyfriend said. "Yes erm..." you replied, you didn't really establish this boyfriend-girlfriend thing yet. "I'm Aurora, Gavi's sister and this is my boyfriend, Javi. You can sit with us" she said. "Nice to meet you" you said, sitting near her. The players started to come out on the pitch, your eyes following a certain number 32. "So, how long have you been with Fermin?" Aurora jumped straight in. "I... uhh... we..." you shuttered. "Leave the poor girl alone. It's their business" Javi said, saving you. "Okay I was just curious" Aurora shrugged. "Because Gavi told me Fermin got jealous when he mentioned signing a t-shirt for you" Aurora explained. "He what?" You asked, blinking twice. "You heard me". "Fermin? Jealous? No way. We're not even—" you didn't get to finish because the whole stadium erupted in cheers. Gavi had scored a goal. "Yeah that's my bro" Aurora said grinning. Then Gavi again being an angry bird and Fermin keeping him away from trouble.
"Oh my God!! Fermin scored" you jumped straight up when you saw the goal. "He's dedicating it to you" Aurora said, jabbing you. "Yeah he is" you said, as he pointed to the family boxes and made a heart with his fingers. What did you do to deserve him?

You waited anxiously for the boys to come off the pitch, after they won 3-0. You wanted to congratulate him in your own way. "Told y'a" you heard them talking in the tunnel. "Oh Y/N..." Gavi smirked. "Hey... Congrats for the goal" you said, hugging him. "Thanks. But there's somebody else you need to congratulate" he smirked, pulling away from the hug as Fermin came from around the corner. You didn't hesitate to run straight to him, engulfing him in a big hug. "Congrats" you said and he thanked you. After pulling away a bit to get a better look of him — rosy cheeks, sweaty hair — you tiptoed and pressed your lips to his. You took him by surprise because he froze for a few seconds. You panicked, pulling away, and a millions thoughts ran though your head. Maybe you overstepped with the kiss. But all of these vanished when he pulled you back, reconnecting your lips as he kissed you with passion. His lips were soft just like you imagined, perfectly fitting with yours and his hair, in which you tangled your fingers, was soft and silky. "Get a room" someone said, probably Gavi. "Y/N..." he whispered as he pulled away, lips still touching. "Congrats for the goal" you said smiling. "Fuck the goal. This is even better" he said, picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist. "So... this means you're my girlfriend?" He asked. "Maybe..." you teased him, but pressing your lips to his again. You couldn't get enough of him. He put your down because he had to (Xavi was calling him for 2 minutes already), not because he wanted to, but promised he will give you a ride home.

You again waited for him, already thinking if he would take you home or to his place, and not for doing things. You weren't there yet. "I hope you didn't wait that much" Fermin said, taking your hand in his as you started walking to his car. "Hope you don't mind driving Gavi home" he said. "No, but doesn't he have a driving license?" You asked. "He does but he asked me to drive him today" Fermin smirked. You really were up to date with the Barça players. "Okay, it's not a problem" you said, climbing in the back.
"So, Y/N, did you enjoy the game? I hope you'll come more" Gavi asked as Fermin started the engine. "Yeah, it was amazing" you replied. "And if Fermin wants me here, I'm happy to attend every home game" you added, catching Fermin's eyes in the rear view mirror. He had a strange spark in his eyes and you preferred to look away, not in a god way. "Well, I hope you celebrate tonight" Gavi smirked. "Bye guys" he said. "Bye. See you tomorrow" Fermin replied.

"You driving me home?" You asked. "Yeah why?" Fermin asked confused. "I just remembered I have to do something for tomorrow's course". "At this hour?" He asked. "Yeah duh. I literally forgot about it" you chuckled nervously. Fermin shrugged, not understanding how your mood changed that fast.

"Did something happen?" He asked as he accompanied you to your flat. "No, it was an amazing night. Thank you, Fermin" you smiled. "Something happened, but I won't force you to tell me. I'll see you tomorrow in class" he said, hugging you. He felt kissing wasn't the best when something was up with you. "Goodnight, Fermin" you said. "Night, love".

Hope you like it 🥰

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