"No, don't say 'too easy'," Scott interrupted. "People say 'too easy' and bad thing happen."

"I don't think that's how it happens, it's just that the villains love that type of timing," Mary speaks.

"What, do you think finding you was easy?" Scott asked Derek, ignoring Mary's comment.

"It would have been had the premonition happened earlier than it did," Mary speaks again.

"Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this had been easy!"

Derek sighs. "Fine. You're right."

Scott there's his head back. "Thank you."

The wind makes a low whistling sound. But, as it turns out, it hadn't been the wind alone. An arrow had flew in the air, hitting Derek in the shoulder.

"Derek!" Mary yelled out, head snapping up and seeing Allison and Kate opposite of them. Allison lifted the bow again, aiming at Derek. Mary moved in front of Derek, getting hit and falling down.

"Mary!" Derek yelled in worry.

Derek had barely caught the girl in time. He began to lift her up, when he looked back at Scott, who was staring at Allison. Once again, Allison pulled the arrow back.

"Scott, your eyes!" Derek yelled out in warning as he closed his eyes and covered them with one arm. His other hand covering Mary's eyes. Scott fell to the ground.

Derek moved to sit, ripping the arrow from his body before pulling Mary up. He grabbed the back of Scott's shirt, pulling him up and began to scramble away. Mary paused, despite the grip that Derek had on her clothing. She ripped the arrow from her shoulder.  

Derek tossed Scott a few steps ahead of him, before shoving Mary in the same direction.  Scott was still blinking quickly, rubbing at his eyes. Mary had landed onto the ground, letting out a scream when she landed on her wound.

She placed her hands onto the ground, pushing herself up and off the dirt. Her hands, now covered in dirt, as well as her dress. She stood up, hands raised and stood in front of Derek.

Allison and Kate followed behind them.

"Allison, I can explain." Scott spoke.

"Stop lying. For once, stop lying." Allison replied.

"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything... because everything that I said, everything that I did--"

"Was to protect me."


"I don't believe you."

Kate groans, sounding annoyed. "Thank God. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself!"

"You... you said we were just gonna catch them..." Allison speaks back, sounding nervous.

"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." Kate turns to her, a smile on her face when seeing Mary stand in front of Derek.

Derek reached out, pulling Mary down as Kate pulled the trigger. Derek feel to the ground as the bullet hit him.

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