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lout91: (video of singing) "YOU SUCKY SUCKY, BOOM BOOM, ME COCKY COCKY, BOOM BOOM"


KayKay: did you just

lout91: fav song<33

KayKay: what even

KayKay: haven't heard that one in ages

lout91: same

lout91: btw i wanted to ask somethin

KayKay: ofc

lout91: can u send boobs

KayKay: why am I not shocked

lout91: no but listen i have a point

lout91: I wanna know what to expect

lout91: when I get the real life version

KayKay: hAH, u won't get either boo

lout91: I'll get both and u know it

KayKay: you can dream

lout91: I already do that, every night

KayKay: gr8 m8

lout91: I'd like to make my dreams reality

KayKay: am I supposed to care

lout91: yes

KayKay: sucks bc I don't

lout91: shut up you do

KayKay: ur hilarious, really

lout91: tnx but can I get a pic

KayKay: can I?

lout91: really

KayKay: yeah

lout91: (picture of body, only standing in his boxers) this good enough 4u?

KayKay: oh I wanna do bad things to you😈

lout91: like what?;)

KayKay: murder your family bye


ily kaylee

also btw are any of you going to the OTRA concert on Ullevaal stadion the 19th?

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