Giving Up The Fight

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My mind keeps returning to long ago memories

Of a girl I once knew, so sweet and carefree

Though, some might say naïve

A strong spirit

Nothing could faze her

Nothing could break her

So determined to live life as happily as could be

Who would have thought that girl was once me?

Living in a day dream

Nowhere close to reality

Life let her down time and again

The smiles now a mask she wears to hide the tears

She lost hope in having any joy in living

So she continues in a routine of acting as if she is fine

But she feels as though she is losing her mind

She’s giving up

A battle she no longer desires to fight

What’s the point when the war is lost?

She has lost her hopes and dreams

Vanishing into the abyss of night

Along with her screams

Her will and determination just a foggy memory

She used to think she was surrounded by people who cared

If that were true wouldn’t they have noticed?

Shouldn’t they have figured out her pseudo smiles weren’t true?

But even if they did, what could they do?

So she lays here at night

Giving up her fight

Throwing her life down the drain

It doesn’t seem worth the pain

Why fight when there is nothing to win?

Will she regain her happiness in the end?

She stands up producing a sigh

She knows it’s time to try

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2011 ⏰

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