Small mistake

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• Both of them are on the track in second left turn. Ian is in the first place, David is behind him. Of course he want to win the race, he can't let Ian win this. Not this time. Then David got a really great idea that no one expected. David overtook Ian and left him behind, but the moment he did, James from Alpine team crashed with Ian. Causing a fire and fatal injuries, everyone are shocked. Even more they are shocked when Ian walks out of fire with James on his shoulder, helping him walk. In that exact moment, it's very familiar to an incident in Nurburing with Niki Lauda. An emergency rushed to them and helped them to the pit stop. Race is still going on and David don't have any idea about what happened back here. While the nurses are doing a check up on Ian and James, the race ended. None of them have any urgent injuries besides their torned racing suits that are burned a little.

,, Hey Ian, i'm sorry about what i caused back there, i really didn't meant to do that." David walks up to Ian and apologizes to him but Ian doesn't accept his apology.  ,, Dude, i could ended up like Niki back there. I don't give a single f*ck about if you meant or didn't meant to do that. You overtook me out of the path and you know very well that even this action is really dangerous but still you did it." Ian spitted out to David and everyone from the nursery or pit stop went silent, listening to their conversation, they simply didn't cared that they could have a problem. ,, What are you staring at?! Mind your own business and get back to work. It's my fault and i want to discuss it with Ian." David said with anger in his voice to the people around them. ,, Ian, i know that it should be your world champion title and not mine." Ian just stare at David. ,, It doesn't matter anymore David, let it be. You should enjoy it instead being sad about it. Come on, hop on the podium. I'm fine. Really." Ian said that to David and then he walk away to get on the podium, leaving Ian behind.

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