“it wouldnt have mattered anyway” viviana shrugged

“it would have! to me it would have mattered” jeremiahʼs voice held so much emotion

“you wouldn't have believed me anyway” viviana sighed

“how do you know that?” it was all it took for viviana to lose her patience just like jeremiah “because no one ever does!”

there it was — the silence was back again, but this time viviana decided to stand up and leave, and just as she was about to leave jeremiah stood up after her immediately

“people don't believe you because you don't give them a reason to!” jeremiah cried as viviana turned to him with a glare

“the last time i tried to make someone believe me, he fucking left me for a stupid summer fling” viviana argued back with the boy who stood there confused

“ it was one person, it doesn't mean everyone else would do that”

“but everyone does!” viviana cried “everyone i have ever cared for has either died or let me down”

“i didn't mean to let you down” jeremiah whispered as viviana nodded “sure you didn't”

“no via i mean it —” jeremiah started as viviana stopped him

“stop calling me that! stop acting as if you get to talk to me as if we are friends when all you did was just ignore my existence because stupid isabel tripped when i wasn't even close to trip her!” it wasn't until then that jeremiah looked at her, really looked at her

“did you take something?” jeremiah asked her quietly as she scoffed “why do you care?”

“what did you take? how much did you take?” his tone held so much worry

“leave me alone” viviana started walking away as jeremiah pulled her back by her wrist

“just tell me what did you take?” jeremiah asked as viviana huffed but stood silently

as jeremiah went through her pockets, he found a bag of a white powder making him curse under his breath as he hid it immediately

“what the hell is that?” jeremiah asked worriedly

“give it back” viviana said through gritted teeth as jeremiah sighed

“why are you doing this to yourself” jeremiah asked softly as she huffed and stomped like a child

“ via —”

“stop acting like you fucking care about me” viviana spat “ we are not friends, we were never friends”

“i do care about you, because you were my best friend” jeremiah stated as viviana scoffed “friends don't do what you did”

“i know, iʼm sorry” jeremiah sighed “just let me take care of you”

“i can take care of myself” viviana argued, not accepting the hand jeremiah was offering her

“you call this taking care of yourself?” jeremiah raised a brow as viviana glared at him

“ well, sorry not everyone has someone to take care of them like you do jeremiah” it was clear she had no idea what she was saying.

sober viviana would have never said these words to him, to anyone.

“then let me take care of you, you have me vivi” jeremiah stared down at the girl who sighed and hugged herself

“i promise i won't turn my back on you again” jeremiah let out as viviana stared at him with tears threatening to fall

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆, 𝙟𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙖𝙝 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें