!! Yr 3 !! (~Caught in the dark~)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure he is lurking about, trying to find a place to hide and seek out his revenge." Fudge looks around once more, looking for wandering ears and eyes. 

"You can't keep having those bloody dementors coming in and out of my pub every night. It's bad for business and I can't lose customers over this."  Rosmerta states firmly, a slight shake to her voice.

"It is for everyone's safety. We need to keep our people safe from the escaped mad man." Fudge counters.

"And who might this "everyone" be?" Rosmerta asks, hands on her hips.

The Minister lowers his voice even more than before, "Harry Potter."

Madam Rosmerta gasps upon hearing this and looks around. She leads the Minister and teachers up a stairway to somewhere more private.

Hermione, Ron and Y/n share a look as the adults make their way up the stairs near them. Hermione shares a nervous glance to the door, playing with her fingers worriedly.

"Alright Potter, you can come back up now. The coast is clear." Y/n says, taking another sip of her butterbeer, doing a small happy dance at the delicious drink.

Y/n felt a small breeze pass by her and she immediately checked under the table, finding no one there.

"No Harry get back here!" She whispered urgently into the air. Hermione and Ron looked under the table as well and panicked when they didn't see the green eyed boy.





"Where is that idiot?" Y/n asked, pacing around outside of the pub. It had now been exactly 37 minutes and 52...53...54...55 seconds since he disappeared. "What if he's in trouble? What if he died? What if he got abducted by aliens? What if....I've run out of what if's"

"I'm sure he'll be out soon. Don't be so worried." Hermione said, trying to get the girl to stop pacing so much. 

Ron grabbed onto Y/n's shoulders and shook her softly. "Snap out of it woman! You're making me dizzy." He lets go of her and she stops pacing, tapping her foot instead. Hermione and Ron roll their eyes before feeling a breeze pass them by. A familiar one.

"Follow the footprints!" Y/n calls out, running after the footprints that started to appear in the snow. The two follow after her, trying to keep up as best as they can.

The footprints stop at a rock, the sounds of crying could be heard. Hermione steps forward to check on the boy, but Ron stops her. Moving his eyes to Y/n, telling the bushy haired girl that her friend should do it instead.

Y/n steps forward hesitantly, seeing that nobody else was, and reaches out for the cloak. She pulls it off of Harry and her heart aches slightly at the sight. Tears were running down his face and he was curled up in a ball. He was breathing heavily as she took another step toward him. 

"Potter..." she called out quietly, taking his hand into hers. "It's alright. It's going to be okay." She whispered to him as he looked at her, his tears not stopping. Without warning, he flings his arms around her middle, crying into her shirt. She holds him like that, rubbing his back as he cries out.

"It's alright...don't be upset" She says once he calms down enough for the tears to stop. 

He looks up at her and speaks with a hoarse voice, "He was their friend. H-he betrayed them." He looked angry and yelled out into the trees, "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" Y/n backs up slightly, only to be pulled back by Harry, who squeezed her hand in apology. "I hope he comes after me...When he does, I'm gonna be ready. When he does, I'm gonna kill him."  

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