10. Classes and Classes

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Myra's Pov :

The next two days were holiday and then the school reopened again on Monday, I interacted with other students while me, Neha and Kaira became the best of friends.

The recess bell rang...

So what you were telling, that happened that day?" Kaira asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah that Akshan and swimming pool and stuff." Neha said looking at me. This hit me that I didn't say anything to them about that day except for the part that Akshan turned out to be my family friend and something happened in the swimming pool.

"Yeah I fell- "

"For me?" A male voice interrupted my speech.

"OHHH" both Neha and Kaira cooed in unison.

I was too stunned to let a single word come out from my mouth.

"Sorry guys, but I have to borrow your friend for a while." Akshan said to them.

I gave them my 'no' look which they completely ignored.

"Yeah borrow her for life, we have no issues." Neha said and Kaira nodded giving me a tight lipped smile.
I mentally made a note to kick both of them in their ass when I return.

"What just happened over there?" I asked as soon as we both were alone, he took me to the backside of the garden which leads to the basketball ground.

"Well, you can't say about that incident to anyone not even to your best friends." he said.

"What- why?"

"You can't and also I am so sorry for that day."

I glared at him with ultimate annoyed look, man might be charming but needs to get signed up for some real how-to-not-be-annoying lessons.

"Why are you like this?" I said looking at him with annoyance.

"Like what?" he said, moving a little closer to me.

"Hey Myra, is that you? Oh- sorry I didn't mean to-"
Arsh interrupted, with a shock filled face.

"It's not what you are thinking." We both said in unison as fast as possible.

"How do you both know what I am thinking?" he smirked.

"Well, I will leave you both here, and Arsh, man, don't forget we have basketball tournament coming up the next week. So, be there today at the Sports club." Akshan left ignoring Arsh's smirk. So, it was just me and Arsh there.

"The new kid caught someone's eyes I guess." he said looking at the sky and laughing softly.

"Nothing like that, we know each other." I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Calm down Myra, I know you're his family friend." he said picking up a wild flower from the ground.

" How?"

"We are friends since nursery. Now, you do the calculations and -"

"and?" I insisted.

" and it looks like you caught not just one person's eyes. Well I must return to my team." he said and we both went out from the garden and to the basketball ground.

My eyes got caught with Akshan's for a second, while I was leaving the ground as soon as I entered.
I was going back to my bestfriends. The recess was going to be over within a few minutes so I hurried up to them.

"So, miss is finally back. What happened there?" Kaira asked smirking while Neha whispered in my ears 'mhm, kuch toh huya hai'

"Ghanta kuch nahi huya, tum dono ne toh fasa hi diya tha mujhe." I looked at them, then continued putting my lunch box in bag.

"Areh hume laga you said haan " Kaira added, pouting.

"Tu rehne de."

Then the bell went out and our recess was over. The classes resumed, my benchmate was Ishaan, one more grumpy ass dude.

I don't have any idea what is wrong with all these 'Shaan's.

I looked behind and caught a glimpse of Neha whose benchmate was Arsh, and for some reason they both gave each other dead glances.

"Anybody, anything to say about the implications of artificial intelligence? Akshan?" Mr. Basu encouraged me to speak.

"Sure." he went over infront of the entire class.

"Well, the advancement of AI is inevitable. It's the next logical step in technological evolution, and we can't deny the potential it holds for progress." he began, clearing my throat.

Then he looked around and his eyes lingered a bit on those of mine, he raised an eyebrow while looking at me, so I stood up to counter,

"Akshan, you're oversimplifying the ethical dilemmas AI poses. What about job displacement, privacy concerns, and the risk of uncontrolled development? We need responsible innovation, not blind progression." I stated with confidence, with a subtle smirk and gleam in his eyes.

I could see the other students exchange glances while some of them cheered for me, his eyes remained fixated on me.

To my awe, Neha stood up and began-

"Here I agree with Akshan, we cannot always play it safe. The future requires bold steps, not fear of the unknown. Embrace the possibilities, and we can shape a better world, what say Arsh?" her eyes narrowed, challenging him for a silent battle.

dost kisiki hai tu? I mouthed at her, while she shrugged it off.

Arsh retorted, " So sad that I cannot agree with you Neha Sharma, since bold steps without careful consideration lead to chaos. We can't afford to be reckless. It's about finding balance and ensuring a future that benefits everyone."

Woah, that was something everyone started exchanging glances, amused smiles and stiffled laughs to their verbal sparring. I could feel a subtle tension between them, and for the time I saw Ishaan smile and shaking his head.

So this is the guy who is Neha's the so called academic rival, she blabbered me about while in phone, when I was in my vacation.

Mr. Basu, trying to maintain order, finally interjected, "Alright, alright, let's save the philosophical battles for another time. Excellent points, four of you. Now, class, what are your thoughts on the role of AI in our future?"

The classmates erupted into discussion, some echoing Akshan and Neha's enthusiasm, others aligning with mine and Arsh's cautious approach.

Soon, the bell rang and some more periods went by until it was time for dismissal.

"What was that between you and Arsh?" I asked Neha while packing my bags.

"Nothing I just don't like that asshole." she said leaning back in her sit and rolling her eyes.

"That's unlike Neha to dislike someone." Kiara joined us.

"Don't get me started again." she pouted locking her hands with the two of us.

"Well guys, we are hosting Diwali party in our residence. Please join us" she asked.

"Oh my god, Yes sure! It will be fun!" Neha rejoiced in excitement.

"Sure, I am so happy finally we are getting Diwali vacations haha" I said.

"Well then see you people that day. Also, I will ping you the time, I might need some happy helpers for rangoli" Kiara said and gave both of us a hug.

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