Chapter: 1

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HELLO READERS :D This is my very first story, all written by me, myself & I. I hope you enjoy!

*Alarm clock going off*

Amanda's POV:

There it is. That stupid, irrelevant sound that tortures every young human being. It gets worse. We're forced to go to a place of "education" and "learning." I call it hell, or a jail cell but hey, whatever floats your boat. Don't get me wrong Hollywood Arts isn't your normal kind of High school. You see, we all get a long great except for the ones who think they're better than us. Typical. I know.

"Mandy, I'm leaving soon bud. Come downstairs, i made breakfast!", a voice interrupts my thoughts. that right there my friends, is my loving & awful cooking father. You see, my mother is states away from us due to business trips. I'm literally stuck with weird looking alien food.

"just a minute!", i yell back. When finally i decide to get up from bed, i check my phone and all that good stuff. I threw on some highwaisted jean shorts with a tight, stripe long sleeve crop top and my white converse, leaving my jet-black straight hair down making my way downstairs reaching for my bag.

As i make my way to the kitchen, i stare at the food. I look at my dad, he shrugs. i shake my head.

"I'll see you tonight sweetheart." my dad tosses me an apple and kisses my forehead. "I love you." "love you too pops", i say walking out towards my car.

On my way to Miranda's and Jess's house, i see no other than the douche himself, Liam Lewis. Literally right next to me with his shiny, black and beautiful car. What? I'm not jealous or anything, psh. That thing could never compete with Carl. The light goes green and Lightning McQueen speeds out faster than i could say wow. With that, i pick up my minions, i mean best friends and make my way to hell.

"hey Mandy, Adrian called last night and i listened to what you told you me but, can't i call him back?" Jess insists while we get out of Carl.

"oh?" was all i said.

"Jess, you're irrelevant. I thought you clarified on your feelings for him." Miranda crosses her arms.

Adrian is besties with the schools jock. His eyes led upon Jess like a year ago and they've been together since. Although their relationship isn't butterflies and rainbows but it wasn't rocky and bad neither. They're in that 'on and off again' relationship. I don't see why she hasn't moved on by now. I know i would of stopped, i mean come on.

she sighs, "I miss him. The old us. The way it used to be."

Oh god, i think she's in love with the guy. I can't let her suffer further more. I give Miranda the look.

"Hand it over, toots" Miranda reaches her hand out to her.


"No buts. Jess, its time to erase Adrian out of your life. Hand it over?" i give her a pleading look. She sighs but gives it to us anyway.

"Now. That wasn't so hard was it?" I smile, giving it back Jock free.

Miranda scoffs, "Yeah, let's see how long it will take till she has his number back in there."

Jess rolls her eyes, "I always keep my word, i promise. But one problem?"


"What if he comes up to me waiting for an explanation? What will i do? What will i say? Do i walk away? Do i-"

I put my hand of her shoulder, "Just walk away."

"That's it?" she asks surprised.

"Yup. Walk away, show him the walk he will never see in his life ever again." I smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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