Start from the beginning

That one hit Bi-Han in a way it shouldn't. He stepped forward again, but this time it wasn't just out of curiosity, the Grandmaster was livid.

"What the hell does that even mean? Are you suggesting you'd leave here and not answer to your Grandmaster after so rudely bumping into him?"

"I don't need to answer to you, I'm not Lin Kuei." You laughed, folding your arms in an unfazed manner.

Bi-Han paused, his face slowly contorting into a look of frustration, and some sadness.

"You... you were Lin Kuei at one point. Have you forgotten the family we once were?"

"I was never Lin Kuei. But my father was." You corrected.

"The only reason I was connected to any of you, was because of him."

He was hurt for a moment, but soon Bi-Han's emotions turned from sadness to anger once more. His face looked completely neutral, and his eyes looked as cold as ice.

"That's still your family. You can deny it all you want, you can leave, you can ignore our pleas, but the Lin Kuei is still your home."

You furrowed your brows.

"Yeah, sure Bi-Han."

His anger only grew and his eyes turned cold once more as he was being brushed off.

"Your father would turn in his grave if he knew what kind of attitude you have towards your family."

"You aren't my family!" You shouted.

"And my father would be proud, knowing I stood my ground against you Lin Kuei Tyrants. Especially after he found out about you letting your own father die!" You sneered.

"My father did everything he could to distance me away from your... cult! Why do you think we disappeared for such a long time? Why do you think we left so conveniently?!"

Bi-Han was quiet for a moment, anger seeping into his eyes as he looked up towards you now. His eyes looked as if they were about to freeze over, the frost had begun forming on some parts of him and his eyes turned cold. He didn't want to admit fault, that was just the nature of a true Grandmaster, but his heart ached at the knowledge that this was true. She couldn't be more accurate about that day.

"You're lying."

"And you, are a coward." You spat.

"I will never be one of your little cult members."

Bi-Han clenched his fists so tight they were white, he was enraged now and his emotions had gotten the best of him. He stepped forwards and his face was almost touching yours... his breath was cold as it escaped from his mask and lips. He wanted to yell, scream, and even hurt this person in front of him... but he couldn't. It felt wrong to do so.

"You aren't walking away here, ____."

"What're you gonna do, coward? You gonna cry? You gonna consult your Lin Kuei cult colleagues?" You mocked.

Bi-Han's face flushed red as you mocked him again, his temper was growing more and more by the second. He was going to lash out.

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