s1 ep 6: The Remembering

Start from the beginning

"MOMMA!" Tate yells running towards his unconscious mom. I'm frozen, not knowing what to do. Unwillingly, my eyes start to water, "MISS MONICA!" I scream running towards her. I run with Tate who stands above her calling her name. I kneel down beside her head and cup her face. I cry out noticing the blood pool from her head. "HELP! HELP US. PLEASE!" I scream. I take my jacket off and put it under her head. "Tate you gotta find a grown-up!" I tell him, he runs off, quickly coming back with another teacher. She gasps at us, kneeling beside Miss Monica and starts calling out of the nurse. She runs back into the school coming out with more adults who usher us away. I fight as hard as I can trying to get back to her, crying. They finally let me move towards Tate who hugs me. We both stand there hugging each other, watching the adults try to help her on the ground.

I see the nurse come out and grab Monica's stuff that was left on the ground after she fell. Tate sits with me for a while outside the nurse's office before the nurse sticks her head out. "Tate, your moms up and your dad is on his way." Tate stands up and I linger in the doorway. She's holding some gauze to the side of her head and she talks to Tate. I hear her tell him to go on to class and he starts to refuse, but she gives him the okay. As he's passing by me, he asks, "If she's not okay, come get me okay?" I nod and give him a small smile. I slink into the corner of the office watching them begin to bandage her head. I hear heavy footsteps walking quickly towards our area, so I knew it was Kayce.

I look to the door and sure enough it was him. I stayed quiet because I was too scared that someone might tell me to leave and I didn't know anyone else here. I couldn't help but long for the ranch and my daddy which made me feel bad. "Are you okay?" He asks her as soon as he's in the room. "Well, I got a pretty good headache goin'." The nurse looks at Kayce with a stern face, "Any sign of dizziness, nausea, saying things that don't make sense- straight to the hospital." Kayce nods, "Yes, ma'am."

"Is Tate in class?" Kayce questions. Monica sighs, "Yeah, but he saw everything." He nods, rubbing his hand down his face before stopping. "Weren't you with-" "Livvy? Yeah." She responds, guiding his sight to where I sit. I'm facing my lap, I really really really don't want them to see the small tears that are forming again. I can feel Kayce walk over and kneel down to my height while I'm sitting. I don't lift my head until I feel his guide my face upwards.

3rd POV

Kayce's heart just about breaks when he hears the small sniffles come from the young girl sitting in a seat too big for her. After a minute of kneeling, he nudges her face with his hand, brushing her long, blonde hair behind her ears. Livvys lifts her eyes, bright green from the redness of crying. He holds out his hands, and she hops down and wraps her arms around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder. Kayce tries to soothe her down some before he stands up holding out his hand to Monica.

Monica hates that Livvy had to see this all. She takes her husband's hand that was held out to her. The parents check out their son from school, and prepare to head home.


1st POV

I sit in the corner of the trailer with my arms wrapped around one of Monicas. I feel really bad for what happened to her, so I don't feel ready to leave her side yet. I watch Tate try to make spaghetti with his great grandfather, but it is not working too well. "I wanna put it in," Tate tells his grandpa. "I'll let you put it in," the older man responds. "Then why are you holding it," Tate says. They continue to bicker back and forth while Kayce joins Monica and I on the sofa. He brought her some medicine and I push on her gently to help her sit up. She smiles down towards me. She takes the pills from Kayce. I look back to Tate when he demands, "Well, give it to me." I furrow my brows knowing I'd get my hide tore up if I ever spoke to someone like that.

"Do I have your permission to teach your boy some manners?" The grandfather asks. "Yes." Both parents respond at the same time. I wince knowing that this wasn't going to go over with Tate very well knowing his temper. As soon as his great grandpa dropped the noodles into the boiling water, "You lied!" "Come with me," his great grandfather lifts him up and guides him out of the living room.

Kayce turns back to his wife, "How you feelin?" She gives him a soft smile, "Better when these kick in." He looks to where I'm buried in her side, "And you honey? I know that had to be scary." I nod at him and look up to her. "I didn't know what to do." "You did the right thing, staying with her and getting Tate to get help. You did good, Livvy." She tells me petting my hair. "I called your dad. He said you can come home if you want, but you can stay here if you're okay." I think for a moment, "I wanna stay here for the night, but can I go home tomorrow?" Monica kisses my head, "Yeah, honey, you can stay. Now how about you go check on those noodles." I nod and ask Kayce to help me up on the chair. He stands behind me with an arm around my waist as I stir the noodles to keep from sticking on the side of the pot.


A couple of minutes later, Monica goes to their bedroom and Kayce follows. I decide to go find Tate and his grandpa outside. As I walk out, I can hear Tate running up to the house. "Woah, what's goin on?" I question. "There's somethin in the sky, go get my dad." I don't question him as I run back inside to the back bedroom. I see he's already looking outside because the horses are becoming unsteady. Monica looks over to me in the doorway, "There's somethin in the sky." I step back and let Kayce through.

We both walk outside to Tate and Felix who are both looking up in the sky where a drone is flying. "What the hell is that thing doing?" The men start ushering the other children back home, not wanting it near the device.

"Is it from space?" Tate asks. "Of course not," I say back, "It wouldn't look like that if it were from space." He goes to retort, but Kayce cuts him off. "It's a drone, son." "What's a drone?" I answer this time, "It's a flying thing people can control." The older man said to Kayce, "I know a guy on Flathead, who says that treasure hunters fly them all over, lookin for a place to dig." I gasp and nudge Tate before leaning in and whispering, "The bones!" Tate and I take off towards the bones hoping to either grab them or cover it from the drone. "Tate! Livvy, stop. Stay behind me." We stop from running and let him ahead of us. We all start grabbing rocks to throw at it and hit it. I duck down watching it blow up from a gunshot. We all turn around and see Sam holding a gun from shooting it.

Kayce starts running to his truck and hops in the driver seat with Sam in the passenger. Felix tells Tate and I to get on the porch or in the house while waiting for Kayce to come back.


Not long, Monica comes out and tells Tate to go help Felix with finishing the pasta dinner. I tell her about the drone and how Kayce took off after it with Sam. She nods her head, but grabs the stair railing next to her. "Are you okay, Miss Monica?" She doesn't say anything so I try to grab her arm, but before she could she falls forward. I scream and look up to Kayce running towards us. I watch Kayce try to help her and start pushing on her chest. I couldn't help but do nothing and cry. I try to be quiet by holding my hands against my mouth and pray for Sam to hurry up and park the truck so Kayce could lift her in it.

I look up and see Felix run out of the door onto the porch. He waves me towards him so I just run up into his arms. He holds me close as we both cry, hoping she makes it. They quickly lift her onto the bed of the truck where Kayce could keep pushing on her chest while Sam drives away. Tate's great grandfather gently pushes me towards the couch. I don't say anything while he calls Daddy to come pick me up.

After an hour, I see headlights flash across the living room windows. I run outside and barrel straight into my Daddy's legs. He lifts me up and I bury my head into his neck where tears slowly start falling. I can faintly hear him talking to Felix about what's happened. He tightens his grip on me realizing the traumatic things I've seen today. I sit in the middle of the truck's front seat holding onto his arm while he drives us home through the dark, not wanting to let go.


Not edited

Traumatic  am i right? I tried the 3rd POV, and maybe that'll keep making a come back so I can make the stories longer

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